So on wednesday i sorted through my things and organised al my medical reciets, got a well needed shower and chilled out.
Thursday i got up, ate my breaky, watched some tv then went back to bed till 6pm ish. I got up made some tea watched some more tv then went and watched a movie with a few people. 'The human centipead' i highly reccoment NO-ONE watches it, it is very disturbing!!
Then today is friday, its now 1330pm. I was up and at the docs for 10am and she said that for the first time she can just about see my ear drum so the meds im on are doing the job. However, i still need to see the specialist next week. She prescibed me some more things (another $80 worth!!) and said hopefully this will be it...fingers crossed! Thankfully she has lowered the strength of the antibiotics and altho i still cant drink (torture!!) i can atleast go in the sun :)!! Lets hope this progression larcky carries on!!
Thanks for all your comments still, i know this isnt exactly intresting reading but it will change soon!!
- comments
Pete Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. Sorry to hear about all the expense - money that could be better spent on alcohol, etc.! I hope the enjoyment levels are about to rocket!
sheila Glad you getting better, albeit slowly. Do you think you will have watched every film ever made before you come home? x
Lynne Hi Ya Stephen. Sounds like things are looking up on the ear front, thank goodeness for could be a movie critic after all the films you've watched. Will keep you up to date re Rob, we've got everything crossed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx