So yesterday was saturday. i was in bed on friday by 830pm and didntget up till 830am!! was meant to be drinking with a few from the hostel but was flat out!! I got up anyway and made my way to see gilly rich and joshua to get my knives. I didnt stay long as they had stuff to do so on my way back i had a call from katie saying she was close ish to the city so i got back and went to meet her and flic. We went to Surrey Hills and there was a festival on there. It was pretty good actually. It was free and there was live music, stalls and food places. it was a fund raising event. Then in another field there was the same thing but bigger. It was fairly busy and i had a good time. After that we made a seperate ways and i went to my trial at the down under bar. I met the head chef larry, from canada. He is a self employed agency chef who goes around setting up kitchens and then once he feels the staffing is up to scratch he leaves. The trial went well. i think there could be alot of salad work to start but he seems pretty keen on mixing things up. On the up side tho he seems fine that i want to go off do my rural work soon and even happy if i get another job. He said aslong as i tell him what hours i can do or if i dont wont any for a whule then thats cool. He also said hes still in touch with his old agency and he always heres about casual work so he could get me some good experience!! all in all its a job that could have good leads and is money for now. they told me to go back on tuesday (they shut sun and mon) so i think i have it!! i ten stayed on after i finished at 1130 and had a few drinks with the team and didnt leave till 3ish!! fingers crossed tho that i get it!!
- comments
Lynne Gadday!! Sounds likes you nailed it Stephen, fingers crossed, and its all falling into place, .xxxx
mum I'm sure you have got the job stephen, i doubt they've got qualified chefs queing up!!!! They probably cant believe their luck, be positive and let them know they're lucky to have you! Glad you had a good day with Kate and Flic,,,you need a balance of work and play. hope the sun is still shining on you. xxxxxxx
sheila Knew you could do it. Looking forward to trying a burger there myself. See you very soon x
Lynne Hi ya Stephen, have you got any pics yet????
Uncle Fester Good for you but watch out for the red funnel spiders in the salads! xxx from Terry. How long are you stopping at the hostel for?
Emily Well done Stevie :) that's a great starting point, get you some money, friends and contacts for other opportunities! Not long till mum comes now. I've caught the sun a bit today cos it's gorgeous here but I know it'll be nowhere near as good as yours! xx
peter HANNAH Congratulations! A great start - hope it continues in the same direction.