Yesterday was thursday. It was a very looooong day as i had to do a split which ive not done for a while now!! I was up and at work for half 10, making sure i had everything ready. Again it was a misserable day so i didnt hold much hope for being busy...i was right! We did 8 lunches and the 4hours i was there felt like 40!! I then came back had a power nap and went back for dinner service. It was a bit busier but not like wednesday night. I finished, came back to the hostel (after walking one of the girls from the hostel to the night club as im a good guy!) skyped home and then went to bed. (On my way home just by the hostel the police were doing breathe tests. It was quite a bit operation as the road is 3 lanes and they were merging all the trafic into one.) This is were the best thing of the day happened. Just as i was falling asleep i heard an almighy noise. It was a car skidding on the road and then smashing into something. By the time i got to the window to see what happened i just saw 3 lads running from the car down an alley. Within seconds there were a couple f police cars and some on foot running after the lads and apparently (i couldnt see this bit from my window) tried climbing a fence to get away until the police officers grabbed their jackets and flung them to the ground!! About 20 police cars turned up in the end and also some sniffer dogs!! i dont know whether they were drinks drivers or what but they didnt end up to good. They had slid onto the pavement and wiped out 2 metal posts and a bench that were attached to the ground!!! Funniest bit was a pedestrian walking past, not knowing the fuel had spilt everywehere and he went sliding everywhere!! When he finally got of the fuel he was still sliding around as it was on his shoes. It was like a comedy sketch, even the police were laughing at him!!
- comments
mum Shame the work's boring Ste, but just think of the money. sounds like it was exciting outside the window though,,,,it's a shame u didn't hav a camcorder it probably would have been a hit on you tube!!! xxx
Lynne Hi ya stephen, sounds sooooooooo funny, just like a normal night around Arnside, not, I agree with Janey, so wish you'd filmed it.xxxx