Right so its now Tuesday night and i havent blogged since saturday, sorry about this guys!! Basically after work on saturday i felt awful and so spent ALL day in bed on sunday. Sunday night i popped to the corner shop to get some Neurofen to co-inside with my paracetamol to see if that helped. I had to miss goon-pong as i wasnt well!!!
Monday i had to cancel lunch with gilly which was disapointing as i was really looking forward to seeing her and josh!! I had a few things to do, top up my phone, washing, showwr and change my bed...that really took it out of me so again i spent all day on bed. I went to sleep around 12am
Then today, tuesday i was tossing and turning in pain all night and ended up getting up at 3am! I was stood outside the dctors at 645 waithing for them to open at 7 and waited till 8 for my doctor to come in!! She saw me, said i didnt look great and basically on friday it was the start of an ear infection and now its a very bad one, i was prescribed stronger drops, antibiotics and strong pain relief = over $65!! I can claim it back though so thats ok. So now if these dont take affect (effect?) in 24hours i have to go straight to hospital to get some help!! Lucky me hey! I have been signed off work for atleast 3days though so every cloud and all that.
On a brighter note have u seen whps been reading my blog!?!? Only kylie and shane! Thats cheered me up no end! Looking forward to meeting them now...
So sorry for the delay in blog, ill try and keep on top of it now!!!
P.S Aunty Terry, the doctor said exactly that...'dont put anything smaller that your elbow in your ear but these will be fine' How funny is that!
- comments
The Girlfriend awwww ste! hope your feeling better soon. xxx
lynne Poor you Stephen, hope them tablets have kicked in now,on a brighter note, look at you hob nobbing with the elite!!!!! Shane & Kylie no less. Look after yourself Stephen xxx