Right, so yesterday was Thursday. I was up at 5am to watch the football again, not as good as Wednesdays but still worth a watch. I then went on a trip with the Hostel to Bronti beach which is about a 30min drive from where i am staying. We then walked around the coast to Taramara beach and carried on to Bondi beach. The weather was beautiful was it was a really nice walk. It only took about 30-40minutes. We then walked along the shops on the front and had some lunch, Hungry Jacks which is the equivelent of Burger King. The best bit was a 50c ice cream at the end!! Once that was eacten we had 3 hours to kill until our lift home came so we went down to the beach. I sunbathed whilst the others all went for a swim. Once that was all done with we had a quick beer and went back to the hostel. Whilst out i recieved a phone call from the manager of the bar at the hostel asking me to go for a trial on Sat night so thats something to look forward to! (I must admit i am nervous as ive never needed to apply for jobs and have trials before!!)
Once back at the hostel i had a power nap and then went up on the roof top to have a BBQ with Timo and the others. There was sald, sausages, Angus burgers which im sure he siad were like quala out here!?!?, and a kangaroo steak. Apparantly kangaroo is best cooked medium-rare as anything over is too tough and when most people see the pinkness they wont eat it so Timo normally cooks it medium. He made an exception for me and i had it medium rare. The flavour was really good but it was still so so tough!! i dread to think what its like medium! All we had was a paper plate and a plastic fork to eat it! Whilst we were eating we were given an aboriginal dance and told abit about the culture. It was pretty cool and interesting to here what he said (dont ask me what though, ive forgotten!)
During the meal i recieved a text from a friend of a friend back home. She's called Flic and she''s from Kirkby. I got in touch as i heard she was home sick and obviously im finding certtain times quite hard. So she text asking if i wanted to go and watch her friend whos in a band perform outside the Sydney opera i did. It was really nice and she seems ok. Another familiar face from home cant hurt!! We had a couple beers then went our seperate ways. All in all it was a decent day.
Ive just caught up on the blog comments, you guys are confussing!! What do you mean mum 'yippeee 3 Stephens!'??
And Pete yes i do have an address its:
Stephen Hull #7145, 2/220 William Street, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, NSW 2011
Thanks for all the comments still guys, its good to read them!! I hope the spelling has been a little better today, you bullies!!!!
I have some photos to upload as soon as i can...
- comments
mum Good morning stephen, yes your spelling is much better today,,,see what a difference it makes when you you write it sober, well done. yesterday you wrote 'i was the trio' instead of 'i saw the trio' it made me laugh, you probably got confused because that's what you saw when you looked in the mirror after a bottle of goon!!! and 'beans of toast' sounds really 'noce'!! sorry, i dont mean to bully you, you're doing a really good job with this blog (look how many followers you have) and at least we're only laughing at you're spelling,,,if i wrote one they would just laugh at ME!! yesterday sounded good, thats what it's all about,, sitting on a beach in the sun, i'm soooo jealous, and going to a gig at the opera house,,wow! Good luck with the trial. xxx
mum again of course the 'you you' on the second line was a deliberate mistake,,,,touche!! xxxxx
lynne Sounds soooooooooooooooo fab Stephen, sun, sea, alcohol, and all those "bronzed bodies" hope that reminds me of your mum and me on holiday!!!!!!!!!!!! especially the toned bronzed bodies ....No need to be nervous for Saturday, you'll be fab (as always) good luck, this is what its all about and what you've worked so hard for. xxxx
sheila Emily & I been to that very same Hungry Jacks - seem to remember it was full of birds flying around and trying to get the food off our plates! Saturday will be a breeze. Read the reference from your tutor before you go in and imagine yourself at college. Great that you are getting out & about now cos when you have a job you will know all the best places to go & spend your money. See you very soon x
Aunty Terry Who is this Jack who is so hungry? Is he a friend? Blogs are so confusing - especially if I miss one - I will try to keep up. Good luck for Saturday. David has been sunning himself today - pretending he is in Oz, but I have been working hard. love xxxx
Pete All the best for the "trial" - knock em dead! Thx for the addy. Pete