Yesterday was saturday. Again i was up early skyping lydia having a catch up. Then i went to get some breakfastt, had a chat with a few others for an hour or so and then came back to my room to sleep untill i was up for work!! Work was dead, mid 20s i think. Apparently saturdays arent ever going to be a big busy one unless we get functions. Anyway, i finished and came back to the hostel, skyped mum for a while then went downstairs to the tv room and started drinking. Was ggood as there was a few of us and we watched the West brom v chelsea game. I was very dissapointed that the man u v man city game wasnt shown on the channel we have but hey hoe. Then i carried on getting to now people better and before i new it it was 4am. i was straight to bed then
- comments
mum crikey Stephen, you're going to have to start making things up. Where's all the adventure gone?? We need excitement in our humdrum lives ( not skip excitement though!!) Hope your days off today and tomorrow are a bit more fun for you and well done for sticking at the job even though chef isn't the easiest person to work with! Have fun in the Irish bar today,,,that should generate some juicy stories for Peter! xxxx
Lynne I think Janey should start her own blog, and fill us in every day !!!!!!!!!!!! its a long long day when its quiet, I should know , I'm the expert at trying to look busy, at work!!!!! Anyway another day another dime, just been to wake Rob up for work(after a night out) not a pretty sight,!!! looks like its mums taxis to work this morning!!!! see ya Stephen xxxx