Yesterday was more of a full day. I got up and had my breaky (greek yoghurt and sultanas!) and then went to meet sheila, gilly, joshua and rich for lunch. We went to a nice little cafe, i had a Tikka wrap i think, it was bloody good! After lunch Rich went back to work and us four went looking around some shops. Then they went to get the bus home and i carried on back to the hostel just in time to get changed and and go to work for 4 as there was a bit to do.
Well, last night was interested. there was a surge in power or something and the extractor fan and the pot wash machine went. The kitchen was so hot, propbily around 40degrees!! The chef was getting arsey and they manager was. Instead of shutting down we served a VERY limited menu and sis around 20!! Turns out the building is really old and the wiring is awful so when a sparky came he couldnt find a problem ... until he found black stuff melting/oozing out of the switch board!! The main sparkys of australia have to come around now and asses the situation. All i no is im not in for lunch today!
Anyway i got back to the hostel, had a bottle of wine with the guys and went to bed. A good night all in all. Im now looking forward to tommorrow as im...
- comments
Lynne What do you mean "Tikka wrap I think" your the chef. Kitchen sounds a bit scary Stephen xxxx