so yeasterday was monday. more of a boring day but productive. i had an orientation meeting at 11ish where timo the main guy who welcomed me properly and talked me thru vaious things (he'll always be there if i need anything) and from him i went to set up my medicard card incase i need a doctor or something and my bank!! a real aussy now. i also have mail holding here, so for a year things can be sent to this address and they will hold them or forward them to me if im somewhere else in the country. its free unless its an object. i dont know that id trust it but its pretty cool tho. i then sat in hyde park for a bit catching the rays and then came back to the hostel. watched v for victory with some people (i recommend it) and then went for chesse and wine with timo to meet some other people. a few characters in there but genrally there ok. we then hit a bar for some beers and another early night!! just got up now to....log in tommorrow to find out what ive done...
- comments
Lynne Sounds a tough job, but someone has to do it!!!!!!! well its windy, rainy and a little miserable here,so please don't lose any sleep over us back here will you.Well some of us have to work, so better get on see ya xxx
sheila Booked my flights! Land in Sydney Tuesday 12th April about 7pm. You will be like a local by then by the sounds of it. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures and seeing if you have a tan from all those rays x
carol new to this blog lark but a good way of catching up..bonza that you seem to be settling in and having a good time-not sure i believe all these early nights though!whats v for victory? xx
Stephanie Sounds fantastic! Much better than a working week that is for sure! I bet you were thinking that even when you go to the other side of the world you can't get away from your auntie's!!