So Tuesday night i again got very little sleep so i got up and was at hospital for5am ish! I checked myself in and had the receptionist look in my ear for some reason, she didnt half shove the looky thing right in my ear...dozzy b****! I was then seen by a junior doctor and the a senior who basically said the same as the doctor apart from that he would rather not drain it and i had to put up with it for a couple more day see what happens! He did prescribe me with some stronger again pain relief tho.
So i finished there, got the new medication and went back to the hostel where i spent it again in bed watching dvd's. im watching series 1 and 2 f the fresh prince of bell air which is making me feel better as im laughing rather alot!! By the night the medication must have kicked in because i was very drowzy and actually got some sleep!! I got about 6 hours which made me feel really good!!
Today was thursday and after that sleep i felt better again. I still spent it in bed watching dvd's and sleeping and then at abput half7 at night i went and got a shower. After it i felt my ear loosening up abit and i thort it was on the up. So i made myself a red pepper and chorizo risooto (which tired me out straight away!!) and then felt bad again so went to the doctors as they open late. I saw my doctor again and basically she thinks it could be something rare...'pseudomonas'. She's now upped the strength of my antibiotics, sent off a swab of my ear and told me i need to book an appointment with the ear specialist!! This could take a couple of weeks and could cost alot of money but she says i need it. Ive been signed off work again and need to keep going back to her to make sure this thing isnt spreading as thats when it could get worse!
SOOOOO, i now feel were getting somewhere but its just taking a while!! I hope everyone who reads these still is ok, and as im not doing much if anyone has and can skype at all, give me a shout, would be lovley to see people! x x
- comments
Stephanie Poor old you, doesn;t sound good at all, hope you feel better soon xxx
Lynne Poor you Stephen, hope you'll be feeling a bit better soon ,bet you liver's a bit confused, no alcohol but lots of anti biotics!!! Emms is getting a right gut on her now!!!! Take care
Pete Sorry to read the news about the ear - glad to hear you are keeping on top of it. Hope it is resolved soon. I am on skype - phannah50 - what is your addy? Cheers Big E*** - oops! Sorry!!!!
Anne So sorry that this hasn't cleared quickly for you - unlucky as it should have been sorted by now if it was a simple infection. Take care and I hope that the medication is keeping you dopey - no change there then! love Aunty Anne XXXXX