Yesterday was proberbly the worse day ive had so far. My ear eache got even worse so i went to the doctors who said i had the start of an ear infection and prescribed drops. I then went back started using them and went to work for half2! Woork was horrible. We had a function on for the dutch queen mothers birthday or something and had a dutch themed mini menu on. It was all last minute so everyone was stressing and arguing...i just couldnt be bothered. Through the night i lost my temper a couple of times at the head chef and told him a few things but it needed doing as afterwards he bcked down knowing he was wrong. As soon as 11pm came i was out that door and back to the hostel. I skyped lydia as its the last time we can until she gets settled in Cork!! and then headed for bed. Ive never had ear ache before and i can honestly say i don not want it again!!!!!
- comments
Lynne Hi Stephen, hope the drops are kicking in , it sounds crap, and its not easy when your so far away, but its going be fine, its just a bit of a blip, stiff upper lip and all that Stephen. It could be worse you could have been at home watching PNE.!!!!!. Keep positive Stephen, dead proud of you. xxxx
KYLIE MINOGUE Hi Stevie Baby. Welcome to Oz. Been asked to give you a chinnie by the Sydney Hotels Industries Tourism Enterprise, so here I am! Great to have you down here and to see your settling in- with the booze, sun and dare I say it,us gorgeous Aussie gals. Time to go and I hope you make my next gig here in NSW. ps sorry to read about your handle infection, get well soon before my next show or you won't hear a dickie . xxxx
SHANE WARNE G'day Stephen,just got a tug from the S.H.I.T.E. board to bell your blog and welcome you to our great country ,culture and people. Better than those miserable Pom b***ards any day eh! Anyway that's enough of you. Have a fab time and keep bowling them over, but remember to always keep a straight bat- just like me and Lizzie. Cheers cobber. ps I read that you took one in the lug,that's tough s*it mate but it could be worse like that Jimmy Anderson beaming in on your canister1
Aunty Terry Your Nanna's Mum used to say that the only thing you should put in your ear was your elbow - but I suppose that the drops will be ok. Hope that they have started to work already. .xxxx