Aussy baby yeah!!
So yesterday was another horibble grey day and i had another split shift! I started work at half11 and finished at 3 and we did 7 5meals...brilliant! Through the course of the day i had been getting really bad ear ache so when i got back i tried some warm olive oil to see if that would help. (it cost me $10 from the corner shop tho!!!) I then slept and went back to work for another slow service. Ther chef and the manager just slag each other off constantly and argue. Good atmosphere!! It was quiet so i didnt do much. My ear ache got mucg worse so when i finished i tried some more warm olive oil and went to bed to see how it was in the morning...
- comments
mum This weather's a bit disappointing!! time to move on to better weather and nicer work place i think. Bad news about the earache as well, its horrible and can make you feel really poorly,look after yourself and get plenty of sleep. xxxx