Aussy baby yeah!!
Yesterday was another lazy day!! I spent most of it in bed and ten caught a few hours on the roof in the sun and chatting to others. It sounds bad as im in Aus and all i do is chill out but working and then drinking is tiring me out more than nornal!! I was at work at 5, it wasntyt a great shift as i really cant stand my boss at times but i walked away knowing i had earnt $110 for not alot really! I then gogt back to the hostel, chatted for a while whilst i unwond (unwinded??) and then went to bed quite early. I basic but enjoyable day!!
- comments
mum Sounds like a good day to me!!! There's nothing wrong with chilling and drinking as long as you're earning the money to do it, and you're certainly doing that so ENJOY :-) xxxxxxx PS 'UNWOUND',,,,,,next weeks new word will be 'GOT' xxxx
Lynne Stop it Janey, leave him alone!!! xxxx Sounds like your haveing a fab time.!!!