This week I have mostly been folding bed sheets! We were sadly to discover that Yvonne's parting shot was to break the dials on both washing machines which added to her day of not washing and being chucked out Sunday put us 2 and a half days behind on laundry - or for a more graphic picture, literally an entire guest room floor to ceiling with dirty sheets, towels and pillowcases! I took us until Saturday to catch up and Vincent and I must have clocked up about 20 hours each washing, but it does mean Sitaram, my boy from Assam, has learnt very precisely how the laundry should be done. Buckets of hot water from the kitchen must be carried to the washing drum at the start of each load, the rinse can use cold, soap should be used in exact amounts and only ever 12 drops of whitener or the washing goes blue! The problem was not just a huge amount of dirty laundry it was that all the laundry was dirty, and of course we had a check in of Ramsingh's group this week too. They pay almost nothing but demand everything and make everyone stressed, so having no linen at all in their rooms was sure to make them 'sit on my head' as Manisha puts it.We went out again to paradise village for Dr Doyle's birthday Friday night, it was also Chris's birthday, a guy from Weymouth! We had a great night with them even though no-one else was in the bar, just the two bar men Simon and Jeff. We got in at 3am and not everyone was sleeping in the reception, a big achievement as normally they took the sofa for guests and made them into beds - including the night security guards. Very secure.
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