Today was a day of madness. When eve is here things get sorted. When she's not its like banging your head against a brick wall sometimes. We decided on a colour scheme for the reception which you will be surprised to hear, we chose pink! Pink? Yes Pink! The resort is called Mello Rosa so thus the pink. Light pink walls and a cream ceiling with dark wood. We also told Eve that with the name we should have rose bushes and within minutes we where off to spend money. In the van with Sam at the helm and me and Nicole being thrown around like clothes on spin we headed one way u turned and then went back the other. Then we saw what we came for… in the trees with a backpack of wood stood an Indian Elephant! It was our next to our hotel. We didn't stop even though Eve asked if we wanted too. We arrived at a sad looking shack with a few half shrivelled plants outside in bin bags. To me and you nothing here looked anything like what we wanted, or what English people would buy, but we are in India and the soil seems to be made of sand. After some bargaining we got what they seem to call Chinese roses (they look a bit like pinks). We arrived back at the resort to find our new south Indian cook had arrived. So we asked Gopal (the gardener) to soak and then plant the plants in the entrance to reception. Lunch was a dosa. I cant really describe what it is, its like a thin shell made of rice but cooked like a pancake and the folded before it goes hard. It comes with a sort of chutney and a coconut dip. Under the dosa is a mix of potato onion and as I found out chilli. I am really getting used to all sorts of food and really like it as long as it's a good mix of flavour not chilli to hide the fact that there isn't one. I really liked the whole thing but Eve was critical of the coconut dip. The chef was hired and Nicole then would be able to get her naan breads as the tandor oven was to be fired up and ready for business.Latter that night we got a call from Caroline. She wanted to tell us that there was bad news from the vet and after speaking to Mrs Pearson we decided that much as we love Frazzle that it was time to let him go. It was a hard choice to make and we both miss him like mad but we made the choice for him, not us. The vet was very emotional about the whole thing too. We burned a candle for him till it went out and then we said good bye.
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