Nick got up with the dog a couple of times over night and so did I. She would have slept longer but Matty woke up at 5 am needing the toilet and that roused the dog. Outside the mist was incredible and the lake was hidden. It was too cold and damp to stay outside until everyone woke up so I went back to bed and Annie and Matty entertained the dog. It meant we were all awake by 7. The kids climbed into bed with us and chatted away quite happily until it was time to put the generator on for coffee. After breakfast we walked around the dam, taking the path up to the top of the hill for some stunning views. Tally was carried most of the way but still came back and sat in her water bowl to cool off! We spent the rest of the morning doing some schoolwork while watching yet more vans roll in. The poor cows were constantly chased off as more people arrived. The afternoon was spent relaxing and when the kids got restless Nick took them in the car to collect firewood. We had stew for dinner with baked potatoes cooked in the campfire and sat around it listening to music until the wood had all burnt down. Then we moved inside and watched some TV before bed.
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