Kya Travels
"The whole point of having a conversation is so we can take the ****..." - Frank Franky Francis After waking up super tired we decided to meet up with Amy later than we had planned originally. When we were finally up and ready, we met her at the bar downstairs and all went down to the tube together and got a train to embankment. We took Amy on the walk we had done in our first week in London, over the bridge, along the streets of south bank (past some pretty cool circus/acrobat type street artists), over London bridge and past Big Ben and the Westminster Abbey. It was so cute to see Amy so excited about everything, it reminded us of how we felt when we first flew in! We walked along the streets and had some lunch in a pub close by, then headed back on the tube to check out Earls Court, which is renowned as the "Aussie" section of London! We walked up and down the streets there, stopping for a beer in pretty much every pub we came across! Our first stop was the Earls Court Tavern, and we made our way up and down (or down and up, depending which way you're facing!) stopping at all the pubs for a drink. I was on the waters as I was still feeling a bit ******, but the others enjoyed a drink together at least. They even got a fosters at one place to get in the spirit of things! Ew! At the second last pub, the Courtfield Pub, we met an old bloke called Frank. He introduced himself as "Frank, Franky, Francis, whatever you like", so I call him Frank Franky Francis. We asked him which pubs are the best, and if he wanted to join us on our 'pub crawl', so he did! We went up the road to a pub called O'Neills, where we all had a few more drinks (even I had one!) and had a good chat and a laugh with each other. Darren ordered some food, and got a giant mixed grill burger, which was literally so tall that there was no way it would be able to be eaten with his hands! But refusing to use a knife and fork, he rearranged and squished it down until he could pick it up, and got through it, amazingly! One of the waiters came out at one stage and gave us some free tickets to an event in Hyde Park that was happening right then, because he couldn't make it, so we were thinking about going to that, when Darren looked it up and discovered it was actually a free event anyway... Weird... Lyle was telling us how there was a band playing at our hostel's pub, so we decided we'd all head out there. Even Frank Franky Francis came with us! So we got on the tube and headed back there. When we walked in, there was no band... Apparently there was something during the day but it was all finished up by then... So we all made fun of Lyle for a while, and had some drinks anyway! We drank and made merry for a while, and Amy left after a bit to continue getting over her jet lag, and we stayed up to drink with Frank Franky Francis. A bit after midnight the pub staff came around to kick out all the people who weren't staying there (hostel guests can drink here 24/7), so Darren and I went to walk Frank Franky Francis back to the tube. But when we got there the last trains had already gone... So we waited for a cab and got him on his way home and headed back to the hostel for another drink. By this stage Lyle was quite drunk. We got talking to a Canadian guy, Jarred, who was staying there with us, (the snorer from last night!) and we chatted to him for a while. Then Lyle decided he'd accuse the bartender of taking his credit card, because he'd had it behind the bar for his tab, and couldn't remember they'd already brought it out to him to fix it up before the change of shifts at midnight. So I went to try calm him down and showed him it was in his wallet, and then he decided to spaz out and start punching tables and telling people to punch him in the face. So freaking annoying!! So we eventually pretty much had to tell him to go to bed, which he did, after fiddling round with his key for ages. He came back downstairs to use the bathroom (don't know what's wrong with the one upstairs), and tried to get another drink. So we had to baby him AGAIN and make him go to bed again! We were pretty annoyed at this stage so stayed up for another drink, even though we had to get up soon for a flight! When we headed up to bed we were treated to a very nice surprise... Lyle had spewed in his bed, Darren's bed AND my bed. So we headed straight back down to the bar! We had a bit more of a chat to Jarred, told him what happened and scared him that there may or may not be spew on his bag... Eventually it was getting ridiculous. I needed sleep, after getting hardly any sleep the night before either, and still trying to shake this cold, so we went up, resisted punching Lyle in the face, and shared one of the spare beds on another bunk. I was probably just on the verge of sleep, when a guy came in, and started talking at us in Spanish. Eventually we figured out it was his bed, and we had to move, but it was so annoying, he just kept talking at us in a language we obviously didn't understand, and wouldn't even try to communicate it other ways, like body language or anything, just kept angrily talking at us until we left the room! So still on zero sleep, we decided to try again with the one other spare bunk in the room, and lay down. With the snoring, the smell of spew, and generally just being annoyed and angry, we couldn't sleep. By the time my alarm went off, I was on about 20 minutes sleep, and Darren was still on zero.
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