Last full day here... so updating my blog anticipating I wont be doing much else. That and further procrastinating instead of packing.
Tuesday June 10 - Today we all got together around 11am to head out to Caversham Wildlife Park. Actually that's a lie. Kristin called Alan around 10am to inform us she wasn't going to be able to come (she felt ill). And then Michael didn't wake up until 11, then proceeded to take a shower and groom etc. So we (Alan, Michael, and I) headed out around 11:30. Was a very long train - bus - bus ride but finally we got there. Got inside and headed over to see the "Wombat and Friends" show where we got to pet a wombat and see a skink and a parrot. Michael was very excited to meet the wombat. We then went over to the koala enclosure and got to pet one! It was very soft and fuzzy. And also asleep I think. After the koalas we wandered around the park some more and saw a lot of interesting Australian animals. The flying foxes were very cool (and big! - like big bats). At one point we got to the kangaroo exhibit and got to go inside and pet and feed the kangaroos - I think that was the best part of the entire day. The kangaroos were so cute and very soft and friendly. After staying there for awhile we went over to the farm area, which had a petting area as well with goats, sheep, calves, and deer. While I was trying to take a picture of Michael with the goats, a baby cow headbutted me in the rear! They were very drooly and got saliva all over my pants. Also cute, got to pet a baby lamb and a heap of rabbits. There was a solitary chicken in with the rabbits and it was vicious, and a bit species-confused I think. We went through the back of the park and saw camels, llamas, buffalo, donkeys etc. Then we headed back to Murdoch and Alan and I cooked lamb (yes after seeing the cute baby living lambs we ate lamb... we are bad people). Then Michael came back over and we watched Eragon before heading to bed.
Wednesday June 11 - Again, intended to leave around 11am but that didn't quite happen - at some point we changed the plan to leaving at noon. This time, Aubrey, Alan, Michael, Kristin, and myself all went and we were going to the Swan River Valley region, which is like a smaller and closer version of Margaret River. We took the train to Guildford then got off and went to the visitors centre to see what there was to do there. We were informed that everything (wineries, chocolate factory, etc) was all too far to walk but that there was a shuttle we could take... for $30 each. We looked on the map and saw that it was only 4 km to the chocolate factory, with a few wineries on the way, so we decided to hoof it there. We crossed the river on the way and went down to look at it for a bit. Then started what would be about an hour long walk. It rained off and on during the walk but was generally nice temperature wise. Got to the Margaret River Chocolate Factory (same name, different place) and went in. Free samples yet again! Also got a "chocolate milk" that had a scoop of ice cream in it - very very tasty. Decided to buy some chocolate to bring home to my family, it was like a variety pack with some milk, white, and dark chocolate. We then headed over to the winery across the road. The cellar door (wine tasting area) was like an outdoor tin shed - in the middle of the vineyard (very scenic). They all tasted the wine and we had a good conversation with the man behind the bar. We then started the 4km hike back to Guildford. Was a long walk and by the time we got back to the train station I think everyone just wanted to sit. Hopped on the train and switched trains at Perth, then off to Murdoch. Once on the bus from the train station to the university, I made the most horrible realization. At some point on the trains, I had left the bag of chocolate I bought. So yes family, I had good intentions but failed you in the long run. I was very very upset with myself and still am. Afterwards Kristin, Michael, and I headed to Blockbuster and rented 30 Days of Night and The Assassination of Jesse James. 30 Days was the goriest movie I've yet seen - and has Minnesotan Josh Hartnett as the star! Basically it was fantastic, and I might watch it again tonight.
Thursday June 12 - Slept in today, got up and tried to motivate myself to pack... which didn't work. So instead I watched many episodes of Planet Earth courtesy of Kristin's brother.
OK right now I have to take a break to go see Sarah at the Kardinya tavern where she works so I'll finish updating later tonight!
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