Weekend Fun
Friday, February 22 : Not much besides classes happened on Friday until Friday night. Then Kristin, Alan, and I went over to Michael's flat to watch some Aussie films Michael had rented from the library. We saw The Rabbit-Proof Fence first, the story of three little aboriginal girls who were taken from their homes to get "civilized" and how they escape and make it back to their family - it's a bit slow but really moving. After that, since Michael's flatmates all brought high tech gaming equipment, we played a bit of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on the PS2. Basically you have a character and you have light sabre duels against each other. After my first defeat, I started killing everyone (as much to my own surprise as theirs). Apparently I have speedy thumbs, but that was good fun. After that we were going to watch Wolf Creek, and Alan and Kristin chickened out so just Michael and I watched it. It's a horror movie much in the same mold as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, except in real life they've never found the guy that did it. And he targets tourists. Isn't that comforting!?
Saturday, February 23: Again, not much happened during the day. The toga party started at 7 pm and after figuring out how to turn a bedsheet into a toga (thank you google!) I went to get Kristin and we went down. Alan was a turd and didn't come down with us but we found Michael down there. We also met a new person named Simon from the UK and he was pretty cool. Had a little bit of Kristin's drink but not a lot. Came back and cleaned up my room and set out my clothes for the zoo.
Sunday, February 24: Woke up right at 8:55 and got into the shower. Got out of the shower, back to my room, and of course, somehow my door magically relocked itself while I was in the shower. Knocked on Daniel's door (RA) and he was out, called the other RA and she was out (at 9am on a Sunday morning what college student is "out"??), Alan courteously went down to the Residential Administration Office for me and they were closed, so finally I just had to call security for them to let me in. Of course during all this and the waiting for security Aubrey, Michael, and Kristin all show up ready to head out. I felt horrible for making everyone wait. Finally we got going and kept just missing busses and trains so we didnt end up at the Zoo until around 11:30. So much for good intentions. Spent the day there and it was great, a lot larger than I expected. My camera died right as we got to the lions though, was near the end of the day but still. When we were at the lion exhibit the two male lions were both just laying out in front of the glass on their backs, legs spread. Then a lioness walked over onto a rock facing us behind the glass and started roaring at us! It was sooo cool. And of course my camera would not turn on for the life of me!
That was pretty much my weekend - put some pics up as well so hope you enjoy!
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