In keeping up with this blog I'm posting again! And it's only been a few days, pretty good for me lately. Sunday May 18 was a bit of a blur, sleep schedule was still messed up so I stayed up late and slept in late. Spent a lot of it working on my Indigenous Women essay. I think at some point Michael and I decided to go work on our essays in the library - got there and it was so packed so we opted to return to Flat 1 to work in the lounge. That was semi-productive, moreso than I would have been in my room with internet access.
Monday I woke up late again and spent nearly the enitire day finishing that essay - went to go turn it in and my pen broke all over my hand as I was filling out the cover sheet for it. That was frustrating.
Tuesday May 20 - Started getting a cold on Monday and felt miserable on Tuesday morning. Kristin, Michael and I went into Freo around 2pm to get a tax form for Kristin and some costume things for Michael (who is playing Dracula in a mini skit tomorrow evening, Kristin is also in a different skit tomorrow). On the way there on the bus we saw Alan wandering back from Kardinya but apparently he didn't see my frantic waves. Wandered around Freo for awhile and got Subway there, after avoiding people on the street asking for "just 30 seconds of your time" to try to get us to donate money to some cause or another. On the way back we stopped at the Cheesecake shop where we went together to buy half a cheesecake. Spent some time hanging out but then I had to work on my Indig. Women presentation (on the same subject as the paper I'd finished so not too tricky).
Wednesday May 21- Spent the morning finishing my presentation and perfecting it. The tutorial was at 3.30 so I left at 3 to make sure I could get my computer hooked into the projector and get everything working. Basically, long story short, we chose which presentations to do at the beginning of the semester and the woman who was going to present with me hadn't showed up to class in the past 4 weeks. I naturally assumed she was no longer a part of the class but lo and behold she showed up to the tutorial with her own presentation, which to be honest was a lot better than mine. She also had the advantage of BEING an indigenous woman. So yes, that was really frustrating. So I gave the presentation and came back to the Student Village. Went down and bothered Kristin (who was doing laundry) and Michael (who had just woken up from a nap). Came back to flat 1 and played some cards with Alan for awhile, then Main informed us that the "State of Origin" game was going to be on at 7.30 and we should come out and watch it. This is apparently the Australian equivalent of the Super Bowl only with rugby instead of football. Kristin and Michael also came up to "watch" although they both also brought their assignments to work on. After the game (which Queensland lost to New South Wales 10-18) The Tuxedo played with Jackie Chan - one of the most ridiculous movies I've ever semi-watched. In the middle of it, Kristin Michael and I walked over to the gas station to get something to drink (just soda!). Then went to bed, after Stefanie's friends stopped being loud noisy and rude (around 2am was when Alan finally told them to shut it).
Thursday May 22 is today and I havent done too much. Around 11am I walked over to check out a camera because I still needed a couple more pictures for my final portfolio. Then I headed over to the library and looked up some photographers and wrote a bit on my final essay for my photography class. Came back, been taking photos outside and working on my essay sporadically. It's been fairly difficult to get motivated to write this because its so incredibly boring, not to mention I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be writing on. So I still have to take and edit one more picture and write another 1300 words on this essay. Around 3:30 I walked out into the lounge in Flat 1 and theres Michael, eating food he got from the food court on campus and watching Judge Judy. I had invited him over earlier but he was just sitting there alone and who knows how long he'd been there. It was pretty funny. And now I'm getting a bit hungry so I'm off to go make some food and then hopefully find some motivation for this ridiculous essay.
PS - Hello to Michael's family !
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