Bet that got you all curious right? Either that or you think its some weird typo. Well it pretty much describes these past couple of days.
V is for volleyball. Yay! So Wednesday (March 5) I went to my classes, which were alright. I'm seriously considering not going to my Bio classes anymore though, they post the slides online complete with additional notes and are more useful than the lectures themselves. Then I had my Indigenous Women tutorial where we heard a presentation about spirituality - pretty interesting stuff. It's kind of amazing because in their society there was never a male-dominance thing, its all centered on equality and balance. Very interesting stuff. Around quarter to 7pm Alan, Kristin, Michael and I headed over to the Rec Centre to play some volleyball! Apparently on Wednesday nights at 7 they have just free-volleyball, played on teams but didnt bother keeping score or anything. Alan and I played until around 10 pm, Kristin and Michael weren't having quite as much fun so they bailed a little earlier. Now I have some bruises on my arms but it was well worth it (as well as a gym burn on one of my knees from diving - yes I was putting enough effort into it to dive!). By the time we were done we were all soaked in sweat, but again, it was worth it.
P is for Penguin Island! Today (Thursday, March 6) we had our Conservation Biology field trip to Penguin Island. I had to skip the lecture for it to get to the meeting place on time - learned new public transport routes and that it's not too scary. I even packed myself a lunch (peanut butter and potato chip sandwich, apple, granola bar, and lemonade to drink). It was a bit overcast and drizzled a few times but it wasnt too cold. I did wear sunscreen but think I got a little bit burned. The island was pretty neat - very loud and full of bird calls. There were hundreds of birds (mostly terns and seagulls) flying all over the place (mom I wouldnt reccommend you visiting here). Didnt get to see any wild penguins, apparently during the day they are usually in their burrows or out fishing. Was still pretty cool, although everything was covered in bird poo!
And finally, V is for vomit. Yes, after making my way back from Penguin Island via public transportation, making myself eat dinner, and taking an hour nap, my stomach decided it was a bit unhappy and so emptied itself into my wastebasket. Nasty, gross, disgusting. Also made me feel extremely alone. So I started crying and called home, even though it was 6 am there (sorry dad!). I was glad I got to talk to my daddy though, even if he was half asleep.
So thats how my past few days have been, sorry to disgust you all. Hmm, now I'm a bit hungry... think I'll go make some popcorn...
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