Wow, so I've been kind of lax on this blog this week. Granted, not much happened but what kind of excuse is that? Don't think I did much over the weekend once I got back to Perth. On Tuesday, Grand Theft Auto 4 came out so I was invited to go play it at a friends' place. The graphics in that game are insanely good, and it left me with the overwhelming urge to just steal a car... On Monday before that (April 28?) I went with Kristin and Michael to get groceries at Coles - got some stuff to make tacos and spaghetti and eggs. Came back and cooked the chicken I had stored in the freezer, and Daniel freaked out. Apparently he'd never seen me cook before. Made tacos on Wednesday - tastier than last time, I think I'm getting better. On Wednesday I went to my indigenous women tutorial and my partner for my presentation actually was there for the first time in a month - I was expecting to *have* to do it alone. Presentation isnt for a couple weeks yet though luckily. Thursday I went to my bio lecture... not as much of a yawn as usual. Today (Friday May 2) I went to my Photography tutorial and got my grade back for my "group" portfolio - another astounding D+ (best grade in the tut - and I had to do it solo!). Ok so I'm bragging a bit there but dang I deserved that. Checked out another camera during the tut because next Friday I have to present some photos for "Night Photography." Just got done taking some pictures of "light painting." Basically - if you've ever taken a sparkler and written your name with it, its that concept. If you slow the shutter speed on the camera down really slow, and I used a little booklight, you can write/draw things that all show up on the picture. It's pretty neat. Other stuff I did at some points this week were playing cards with Alan and Kristin, watching an episode of That 70's Show that depressed me, and watching Jurassic Park 3 with Michael and sort of Alan. Well I'm supposed to be asleep now (technically its 2 am on Saturday... just having trouble sleeping and I may go out to try to take a picture of the moon yet). Goodnight all!
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