Wow - I just realized its been a LOOONG time since I've updated this thing, May 2? Dang. So the week following that did not contain a lot of excitement - I think at some point I baked a chocolate cake, unless that was before. Anyway it was pretty good, not fantastic but at least edible.
On Thursday May 8 we had our Conservation Biology field trip to the Perth Zoo. Alan tagged along with me, we ended up getting there over an hour early, and then the zoo person who was supposed to give us a little talk didnt show so we didnt get to go in until another hour after that. That kind of sucked, but I got to go into the shop and purchased a patch there for my mom (Lynn I'll try to get back there to get one for you as well, wasnt thinking that clearly at the time). Once we got in we got to see some of the breeding and conservation things they have going for three endangered species: some sort of turtle, a dibbler (kind of like a marsupial mouse type thing), and the numbats (like meerkats! really cute). OOH I baked the cake on Thursday after the zoo. And Wednesday before I went to volleyball with Alan and part of the womens volleyball team was there to play pick-up with us, they had 6 on their team and we had 9 on ours, they wouldnt let anyone else play on their side because they were trying to figure out a rotation. They were stupid and completely suck at volleyball. I was bitter about it for awhile.
On Friday May 9 I presented my night photography photos that I had taken around Perth one night with Kristin and Alan. They were ok, no lavish praise from the tutor this time. I'll put some on here because they are from around Perth so at least its more relevant than the stupid food pics I put up here. Can't really remember if we did anything exciting over the weekend - at some point I got both Michael and Kristin addicted to Firefly mehehehe. The genius of Joss Whedon will not be denied!
On Wednesday May 14 (yea I'm skipping a few days) went to volleyball again with Alan, this time there was hardly anyone there and I just realized that I probably already said that volleyball story with the stupid girls because that was not May 7 but the week before that. Anyway, volleyball was practically empty so played 5 vs 6. Was fun. On Thursday my ConBio group gave a presentation on our stupid plant recovery plan we had to completely make up. I think it went well but the plants were so much more boring than the animals.
Friday May 16 - Went to my classes, that was boring. Afterwards Kristin Michael and I went down to Kardinya for groceries. Got back and a couple hours later Main cooked homemade macaroni and cheese for Flat 1 - very tasty! He used flour, cheese, milk, and butter to make the sauce, was interesting to see him cook because he doesnt really seem the type to get all into cooking. A few hours after that, Sarah Main Kristin Michael and I headed out to Freo. Alan didn't come because he "had to work on his essay." On Friday night. After he made plans to go out with us over a week ago. Yea... anyway, we went to 3 bars where Kristin drank enough to attempt to keep up with Main. I didn't drink anything but a diet coke, still cant stand the taste of alcohol. After the bar we went to some pool place and played some pool... yea clever sentence structure there. I realized that I really suck at pool. Kind of a harsh realization. Afterwards we hitched a taxi back to Murdoch.
Saturday May 17, calling it that because technically it was - didnt get back to Murdoch until about 2 am. Kristin Michael and I decided to play cards in Flat 1 lounge. I made toast and eggs for the two intoxicated ones and pretty much won every hand in cards. Moral of the story is we stayed up waaay too late and now I'm sleep-deprived, hungry, and stinky so I'm off to eat something and shower! Sorry for the massive delay
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