So here goes my attempt at keeping my blog more updated, and some little things happened today and yesterday that I can share. Last night there was a BBQ/quiz night down the hill at the rec centre, Kristin and I went together and picked up Michael on the way (Alan was at frisbee or something crazy like that). Went down there, ate some food (was decent, not fantastic). At some point Kristin and I lost track of Gandalf *Michael as he referred to himself at one point* and then we got motivated enough to start up a volleyball game in the sand court they have. We played for quite a bit until the quiz thing started. Then we sat down at a table with some loud (and rude) Americans for the quiz. They named our "team" the Dingalings... creative no? The questions were very random and we didnt do so well but they had physical challenges that Alec won for our team by sucking out yogurt while he had a nylon over his head... anyway that won our table a box of mini chocolate bars which we split. That was pretty fun. After that we headed over to see if we could find Michael again and ended up playing PS2 in his flat *again with me kicking butt!* That was it for Monday night (pretty full on for a Monday!)
Today (March 4) I had my 2 classes which were a bit interesting, the photography one was lame - we just watched a film about contemporary photographers and the teacher bailed early. Afterwards I walked over to Kardinya again! (I went Monday afternoon as well) to get potatoes because Kristin and I had a girls night/dinner today. She cooked lamb and the potatoes and I supplied the potato chopping skills and milk pouring as well as garlic toast-making *yea take that toast* We ate and then came back to Flat #1 for some card-playing with Sarah and Main.
Hope that wasn't too boring but hey, I'm trying to update!
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