I'M VERY FRUSTRATED! I just wrote this entire blog and then was correcting a sentence, hit the backspace, and it went back a page and erased everything I'd written! UGH! Going to try to remember what I wrote the first time, but it may not be pretty.
Sunday June 1 - pretty slow day, had to flip my calendar and start marking down the days, that was depressing. Was a fairly slow-paced day (as I've already said... not very creative). Around 6:30pm Kristin stopped by and invited us to flat 12 (just a lounge flat) to watch tv and hang out. Alan and I were eating but afterwards headed over there along with Michael who showed up as well. We watched Gladiators (only because Ben from Australia insisted upon it) and then luckily for us Narnia (the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe) came on! So we all happily watched that (except Michael who left early to work on his paper). Was a good ending point to the night.
Monday June 2 - Foundation Day in Australia, which is sort of celebrated like Labor Day. As in, not really celebrated, more just relief at having a day off. Michael and I went down to the IGA store to get groceries and I did laundry. I started the laundry a bit late, so was going to have to use the dryers instead of hanging them on the line as usual. Unfortunately for me, the dryer proceeded to eat my money and then refuse to function. So I left my clean wet laundry in the dryer overnight.
Tuesday June 3 - Got up and went to hang my wet clothes on the line to dry. Very frustrating experience because, even though I reported the incident to the RSO, I doubt I'll get my $2 back. Went back to flat 12 again to hang out with Michael and Alan (and Ben who was there again). We watched some informational television on genetic engineering, which was fascinating, and also played a mini golf tournament. Alan Michael and I started and got to "hole 6" when Ben decided he wanted to be included. It took him awhile to get the hang of the game but I think he had fun. After we got kicked out of flat 12 (at 11pm because of finals week) we moved the game and finished the tournament of 18 holes we 3 had started earlier. I did not win.
Wednesday June 4 - Was another slow day until Michael said "let's go to Freo!" So off to Freo we went (Alan, Michael, and myself). We first got to watch Michael eat sushi, always interesting, and then headed over to the pool hall. First, Alan and I teamed up against Michael... and lost. Then we played a strange 3-person game which involves each person having a set of balls (1-5, 6-10, and 11-15) and trying to knock everyone else's out before they get yours out. It was pretty fun, and I didn't lose! Then we headed back to Murdoch, and played cards in Michael's room for a bit before calling it a night. Side note - I can sew! I sewed a couple buttons back onto Michael's coat, he claims it was ripped off by me and Kristin. It was kind of fun, in a strange, hey I've done this before, kind of way.
Thursday June 5 - PRINCE CASPIAN!!! Yes, Prince Caspian, the new Narnia movie, just came out in theatres here in Australia today, strange to think that, even though we're in the future to most of the world, movies still come out much later here. So Alan and I headed over to Freo to see the movie. Kristin couldn't come due to having to study for her exam which is tomorrow and Michael, besides showing very little interest in seeing it, had a hair appointment that he just couldn't miss. He also had his last exam this morning so that may have had something to do with it. In the theatre, it was practically empty which was unexpected. There were about 3 other mini groups of people, each with very annoying qualities. The group of middle school kids were acting like... middle school kids. Loud and annoying. There was a mother-daughter duo and the daughter (about 5-6 years old) kept blowing her nose, unsuccessfully. And finally, one woman sitting alone had her cell phone on and out most of the movie. The first time it rang and I saw her go for it I assumed, as anyone would, that she was embarrassed and rushing to turn it off. Nope. She had to text someone back. And then it rang again. And again. And again. And everytime it did she just whipped it out to text someone. Finally I went over to her and asked her to put it on silent. She acted as though that just hadn't occurred to her. It was the most annoying thing I've ever experienced in a movie. Otherwise though, the movie was excellent, if not as good as the first. After getting back from the movie, Alan and I played some cards but I'm pretty much just extraordinarily bored and Kristin and Michael are nowhere to be found. Sigh...
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