So last Thursday I finished my photography portfolio - not as good as I wanted it to be but after a certain point I just had to admit defeat (especially on my night pictures).
Friday May 23 was the last day of classes. My first class was my photography tutorial where we all had to present our final portfolios. The first people to present went way too far into detail explaining their photos so near the end (I was one of the last people to present) we basically just had to flip through our photos quick. The very last person to present was the older (mid 40's) annoying guy who thinks he knows it all. And he presented a group of naked pictures of his girlfriend. I would say nude but these werent very artistic photographs or anything, it looked like a porno, with a very amateur photographer and a model no one really wanted to look at. I dont know what he was thinking presenting this to our class but finally the tutor himself was like "I'm not sure thats entirely appropriate" and cut his presentation short. So that was interesting. Friday night we (Main, Sarah, Alan, and myself) went to go watch Kristin and Michael in their drama performances. Kristin was in the first short sketch as an old woman who recites a poem. She did a good job. Michael was in the 4th sketch as Dracula, and that was just insanely freaky. His costume was wicked cool, and Michael just fit the creepy part perfectly. I had run lines with both Michael and Kristin beforehand, so I knew exactly what they were going to say (and knew when they messed up their lines!) but it was very different watching them act it out on the mini stage. They both did very well - after the first half Kristin Main and Sarah ditched out which left Michael Alan and I to watch the second half of skits. It was pretty funny, especially the pirate version of Kafka's d*** at the end. Afterwards, we headed back to flat 1 where Kristin was getting her bags together (Main was driving her to the airport where she flew to Melbourne to meet her family). The other 3 of us just played cards for awhile.
Saturday May 24 - I don't really remember what I did up until around 7pm when Main, Sarah, Michael, Alan and myself left to go to Freo to see Indiana Jones 4. It was... interesting? I mean aliens! Thats a bit far-fetched, even for Indy. Then we went back to the pool hall to play some... pool - that sentence never gets any better does it. I did a bit better than last time - Sarah was by far the best player there (at least on that night). We did a couple team games which was more fun I think, at least all the pressure wasnt just on me! Also played a couple games on the foosball table there - I was kicking peoples butts for awhile.
Sunday May 25, tried to get Alan and Michael into essay-writing modes - we'd been planning to go to Margaret River on Wednesday but they still had to write essays and turn them in (for their Australian Lit & Film class) before we could go. Instead of writing essays they mostly just played MarioKart and messed around - a lot of sleeping and napping as well. Since we had flat inspections coming up I vaccuumed the hallway - and three huge spiders on the ceiling above the door. Was about to vacuum the lounge when the sucker stopped sucking! Luckily Daniel sent in a maintenance request so I was able to finish my duty right before it got inspected on Monday morning (I was only one of two people to not get fined!).
Monday May 26 - Besides the flat inspection, was a bit of a dull day. Around 3pm I got bored and decided to get some groceries in Kardinya. Alan wouldn't come with but Michael was willing to procrastinate enough to come with. Walked there, got milk and toilet paper, walked back - very boring. Watched Pirates 3 with Alan and Michael - Alan was half done with his essay and Michael had at least written about 1/4 of his. We didnt start the movie until really late so, consequently, we were all up fairly late last night.
Tuesday May 27 - Hey thats today! Didn't wake up until about 2 pm, then showered and played against Sarah in MarioKart (she actually beat me a couple times!). Made spaghetti noodles with parmesan for lunch/dinner, then introduced Alan to The Arrogant Worms (happy Canadian band). Right now Alan is almost done with his essay, and I'm hoping Michael soon reaches that stage. I'm excited to go to Margaret River tomorrow, I think we'll be there until about Saturday so if I'm not online until then, thats why! Hope everyone at home is doing/did well on finals and looking forward to graduation (Megs!!)!
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