Alright so I haven't updated this in a little while but again, not much has been going on. I would say the biggest news for me happened last Friday (March 7?) when I dyed my hair dark brown. It looks kinda cool, unnatural for me but I like it! Something different from the "dusty mouse" color it was at least.
Weekend was slow-paced, got to go around Perth a bit again and a native Perthian showed me the most AMAZING store in existence. It is a bookstore (big surprise eh), but get this. It only sells sci fi and fantasy books. I almost died of excitement *you can all stop rolling your eyes at me now.* I'm going to try reaaaaally hard to not buy out the store but sheesh, its so wonderful!
Also got to go see the hills outside Perth, a state park thats up there and this huge dam (Mundaring Weir). They're so low on water that the once-overflowing dam is now down to practically a trickle. But we got to walk across the dam and it was so pretty - of course I had to take tons of pictures.
On Monday, Kristin and Michael and I walked down to Kardinya for groceries and I got more cooking-required foods! I feel like I'm becoming an adult (scary thought isn't it). Tuesday March 11 was back to classes which were fairly interesting. In the Indigenous Women class we learned about the white Australian feminist movement (women got the right to vote here years before we did in the US *1903 in AU*, but indigenous people didn't get it until the 1960's!).
Today (Wednesday March 12) I went to my first class *stupid pointless bio lecture* and then had to turn in my first assignment. Just to set this up let me clarify that I have 3 lectures for biology during the week, each day is in a different room in a different building and NONE of them are in the biology building. So where do we turn in assignments? Theres a box in the biology building for our class that we stick them into. How crazy is that? So I went and turned in my assignment and then Michael and I went back to Kardinya. I needed to get milk and chocolate and Michael needed more food. After we finished at Coles we went over to the Kmart and played with the toy light sabres, then headed back to campus. Then I went to my Indigenous Women tutorial. Background on this, each of us got to choose one week to present on the topic and thats pretty much all we do in tutorial. The girl who chose this week didn't show up to tutorial, so we pretty much sat around and chatted as much about the topic as we could for about 40 minutes then got out early. Then I cooked my dinner and ate it and got ready for volleyball. This time at volleyball we had enough people for 3 teams so we played "queen/kings court" with games until 11. At the beginning, my team was unstoppable and we played around 6 straight games until we finally lost. Then it became more even.
Right now I'm sweaty and salty from coming straight from volleyball, so I think I'll go shower then do some reading before bedtime. I'll also add some pictures of my semi-adventures! Love you all.
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