So since I've been having a good day today I decided to write up a little something in here.
On Tuesday April 15 I checked out a university camera and took some pictures for my "group" portfolio (which I added to this blog a few days ago). That camera is pretty much amazing and I wanted to just keep it, but unfortunately they wouldn't let me.
Wednesday was spent editing those pictures and beginning to clean up my room for the imminent arrival of the relatives.
Thursday was the first happy day! I went to my first class, then came back and finished cleaning my room. Went to my next class just to learn it was cancelled and then got too impatient waiting for mom to call me, so I called their hotel. I gave them directions to the school and they managed to make their way here (after some interesting ticketing issues!). I showed them around my flat first, and Michael and Kristin (along with Charlotte) walked by and so were forced to meet my relatives. I think I was just too excited to think clearly, I just dragged them all into the flat. I then showed the trio (mom gramma and aunt) around my campus, including the bank where they re-emptied my account, then took them back to my flat to get their gear. Got to shortly introduce them to Alan and Daniel, and then we headed out to Freo for pizza. We first went to the prison to try to book tickets for the Friday torchlight tour, but they were full. So then we went to eat at La Porchetta's, then dessert at the Cold Rock Creamery. Walked over to the Fremantle station where we rode into Perth. The hotel I had found earlier was the wrong hotel Medina (apparently there are 2 of them... go figure), so we had some map reading issues trying to find their hotel but eventually got there. It's a nice little apartment style "room"(s). After listening to mom call home, they sent me back to my flat where I proceeded to frantically research and write my essay. I got about 950/2000 words written before I fell asleep.
Today (Friday April 18) I went to my first class, my photography tutorial and presented my photo's. The tutor was very impressed and asked if I'd done a lot of photography classes previously. I was very happy. Got back from that and picked up my Indigenous Women essay (which Denise had inadvertantly misplaced) and I got a D+ (Distinction + like a B+). For that class, its an amazing grade so I was very pleased with that as well. Now I've just been adding tons of stuff to my essay and just got to 1,947 words (which is close enough!). So I decided to take a little break and update my blog! Mom and them are at the zoo so as soon as I finish up I'll try to call their hotel to see if they're back yet. We might go out to Rottnest Island tomorrow, and then do some Fremantle touring (markets etc) as well as Cottesloe beach on Sunday. The weather is clearing up which is good. I'll update again as soon as I can!
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