Thursday April 10:
So we didn't end up getting to go to Lazer tag, we got there and found out it was a special "members" night. So we debated what to do and then tried to go to Blockbuster to rent a movie. It was only 9pm when we got there but it was closed. After getting some ice cream at the Baskin Robbins next door to the Blockbuster, we headed back to Flat 1 and ended up watching the Matrix.
Friday April 11:
Took my conservation biology test. It was only 30 multiple choice questions and I finished it in about 25 minutes. They posted the grades for them on Saturday and I found out I got an "HD" which is a high distinction (like an 'A'). Woo!! After the test, Michael, Kristin, and I went into Perth. We went to Harbour town which is like a factory outlet shopping mall type thing. Afterwards we went back into downtown Perth to show Kristin around and also to find the Medina hotel, where my mom, aunt, and gramma are going to be staying starting this upcoming Thursday. We found it, right behind a Club X adult peep show type place. That was hilarious, so of course I tried to get a picture.
Saturday April 12 (C-Day):
The night before Michael and I decided to go to the beach (Kristin had to work and Alan was campipng with his choir people). Michael wanted to leave ungodly early (8am) but we decided on 9am. So of course I woke up at 5 minutes to 9 and was all ready to go by 9:03. Waited for 40 minutes when finally he woke up when I called his cell. Yes thats right, he wanted to leave an hour and a half before he even woke up. So we went to the beach - where I proceeded to make a little sand house, doghouse, trees made out of seaweed, a seashell pathway, this thing was intricate. And then I accidently destroyed it. Oh well, at least I got a picture first. Water was freezing but felt nice after awhile - I finally brought my snorkel gear to Cottesloe, saw some little baitfish but didnt stay in the water for too long. Saturday night was fun movie night: watched Lion King, The Producers, and Hairspray.
Sunday April 13:
I could lie and say I spent all day working on my essay, but I didn't. I spent about an hour working on my essay and the rest of the day being a lazy slug. I think I got overly homesick and depressed and spent most of the day in my room surfing the net, playing games, and watching movies. At around 8 Kristin came over and we watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Halfway through, Alan joined us and proceeded to quote every line in the movie. I think Kristin and I gave him a few bruises for that. Then we started to watch the second Pirates movie, and about halfway through I accidently fell asleep (we were watching in my room all sitting on my bed). They thought it'd be rude to wake me and weird to just watch a movie in my room so they left. I felt bad, especially when I woke up to the Kraken attack and found myself alone.
Monday April 14:
Kristin and I had talked about going to the Wildlife Sanctuary today, but due to unfortuante circumstances, we found we didnt have enough time to go. Instead we headed into Freo to get some pizza at La Porchetta's. We wandered around Freo for a bit first then went to get pizza. Got back and decided to update my blog! So that's about it, I can't wait for my relatives to get here in 3 days!
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