Sorry for the minor delay in updating, since I know you're all avidly reading my amazing adventures here.
I can't really remember what happened Wednesday and Thursday last week - other than finally meeting my group for Bio Lab. We have to do a presentation on "Echinoderm diversity in NW Australia." Sounds fascinating doesn't it? (For those of you non-biologists echinoderms are like starfish and other spiky marine animals).
Friday (March 14) was a bit more interesting - not really the classes but afterwards Michael and I headed into Perth because it'd been a month and he hadn't been to downtown Perth yet! So of course I dragged him to the awesome sci fi bookstore (and he bought Dracula so I'm not the only crazy person - although Dracula is a classic...). I also took him down London Court - not sure if I've mentioned this before but its like an old English ally with shops crammed in there (normal touristy shops most of them) but yea I put some pictures of that in my blog. Then Friday night Michael, Kristin and I watched King Kong on TV while Alan went with Main and Main's sister to the casino (don't ask him how much he lost - it was a sore topic). King Kong is a long, sad movie (and yes I'd seen it before and own it actually).
Saturday (March 15) all 4 of us (Kristin, Alan, Michael and I) got up to go to the beach. Kristin wasn't feeling well though and ended up staying at the Village. We were talking about trying to find a new beach but since we forgot the map and didn't trust our memories of how to get there, we decided to go back to Cottesloe. Once we got there and Michael went off to change, Alan proceeded to steal and not return my camera. Bad move. I ended up knocking him to the ground (yay violence?). They were having this weird art thing on the beach where all these sculptures were all around. I took a couple pictures of them - most were made from recycled aluminum which was pretty cool and then there were wooden ones as well. They called it "Sculptures on the Beach" (how creative). While in the water we all tried drowning each other - the water here is super salty - does not feel good going through nasal passages just so you all know. After we got tired *and hungry!* we headed over to Freo (which is on the way back to campus) to get some food. Once we got to somewhere with semi decent food, Alan bailed with his "no more money" excuse. Michael and I ate, then headed back to campus.
Today (March 16) I just worked on my stupid essays and actually mostly just did that echinoderm research. Pretty boring which prompted me to update my blog! Yay... now I'm bored again and should get back to work. Ooooh another thing - yesterday and today I wore contacts! Yay me! My eyes are itchy though and I think I'm getting a headache - might be time to take them out. Think I'll go do that... ttyl!
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