Margaret River Chocolate Factory - Heaven for Mick. Here they have a huge array of different chocolates in various guises - milk, white, dark, sugar free etc. but they are very expensive. You can take handfuls of little chocolate drops to taste and some people had plastic bags and were filling them up!!!!
Outside the factory was my idea of heaven - rows and rows of vines! Now I know a lot of you think I'm a 'wino' but I have had very little wine since we have been here, probably in total about one bottle!! In Margeret River there are vineyards at every turning and we are hoping to do one or two tours while we are out here. To buy wine in the shops is much more expensive than England by approximately one third despite the fact they produce so much.
After our visit to the Chocolate factory we went to Cowaramup. What a lovely name and somebody in their wisdom decided some years ago to have model cows placed all over the town and now it is a real tourist attraction. Have a look at the photo album. It took Mick a little while to realise the connection between the name of the town and the cows!
Glad to hear you have something that has appeared in the sky to brighten your day after your snowy episode.
- comments
Jenny and Kim The chocolate looks great, bad news about the wine though!. I don't know how you are managing!!!!! Is this why Mick has taken to getting his own fresh milk? There are cows at Milton Keynes but not on the scale of Cowaramup.
Chris My idea of heaven, too!! Snow all gone - now it's wind and rain!