another week closer to finishing here!! a pretty standard week really. i spent the early part of it catching up on prep and getting sorted so that i could do little again on the weekend. i was also told by cesar that i was going to have an english girl help me out with prep on thursday and so i said great around 12-half past is ideal. i got up at half11 get getmeslf ready and she was already there! cesar said she was going to do a quick job for him and then she was all mine. with this in mind that she was here i had a fair bit to do to keep her busy. anyway, half 12 came and nothing. just after half 1 she came in saying that cesar kept gioving her jobs to do! anyway, shes called lauren, 22, from north london. a good laugh which is nice for a change! so i gave her the choice of the 3 jobs i needed doing and she chose to peel carrots frst. (this is someting i didnt really need doing but would just help in the long run) at half 2 she commented on the time saying it was going quickly and that she had to leave at 4 to go to another job. well no-one toldf me that! so i told her to stop doing the carrots and start peeling potatoes. anyway, at half 3 cesar came to take her back and she had peeled 11 potatoes! im not fussed that shes not lighning quick, but i didnt think we were to time. so from someone coming to help me out it actuially put me behind as i had to rush to get everything done for that night! not her fault but cesars. i had a word with him the next day saying that if shes here to help me then thats what she does otherwise it doesnt really help! cesar has a soft spot for lauren and so likes her to be around him i think. lauren said that he was a little creepy with her and kept asking her out for dinner and she felt she couldnt say no as it may annoy him and then she wouldnt get her visa! glad im not a female with him asking me all the time. (it would be nice to be asked once tho!)
saturday i did the bare minimum and spent a few hours out in the sun before cooking and watching a dvd with my maltesers. instead of a pizza or chinese i decided to make myself a really nice curry with yoghurt and when out getting a dvd got a naan from the indian. i wont be doing that again. the look and the attitude towards me from the waiter was shocking, all because i 'just wanted a naan;. think ill buy one from the supermarket and cook it myself next time! anyway, it was a nice curry and as always with currys, i ate too much!! (if i was to buy a curry form the take out, it would have cost me $15 for the curry alone and an extra $4 for the rice!! Sunday i got my ly-in tilll just before 6 and then went and lay in the sun until half11. i caught the sun in those early hours and dont think i could have bare the heat during midday! the predictions were right, it hit 30degs! The boss showed me that there was an air-con fan in the kitchen and put it on for me (at the end of the day pretty much!) altho its linked up with all the rooms down from the kitchen and so the indians came in complaining it was too cold. tough luck was my too bloody hot! the indians cooked again on sunday and when there wasnt enough to make everyone it was apparently my fault for not giving them enough ingrediants. funny how i can cook for them all with the same amount!! Sunday night cesar brought his friend around who was going to help me prep in the kitchen. Turns out he's a 50yr old teacher who is an old friend of cesars and has been roped in to helping out!! we agreed that he would start at 10 and i would see him then. thing is i had no veg to prep and so had to be up early to buy it!
Monday i was up (for th second time) at half8, got myself ready and went and did a load of shopping, running around like a blue-arse fly trying to get back in time. i was back just after 10...they didnt show until half11! they slept in...brilliant. anyway he chopped a load of onions for me which helped and was nice to have some company. he is called adrian and originally from englad but moved here with his family when he was 4 and hasnt looked back! cesar brought us a pasty each for our lunch which was good as it meant i didnt have to cook!
tuesday and i plodded on and got some stuff done in the late morning before cesar took myself and adrian out for lunch at the local social club. i had a steak burger which was MASSIVE! i diddnt need to eat again after that! it was nice to get away from the hostel and have a beer form a tap instead of a can for a change! after lunch cesar did what he does best and messed around. we had to go to his fiances office to say hi and were there for ageeees. well, it felt like ages was about 40mins i think. after that i got back and started cooking dinner!
today, wednesday, i was back in bed and just dropped off into a deep sleep when someone came banging on my door, i ignored it but they banged again. it was adrian saying that he was supposed to take the indians to work but cesar hadnt left him the key and he needed mine. grrrrr, he was very appologetic tho. i just got back in bed when there was another bang at the door. it was the supervisor telling me that one of the showers was leaking and that i needed to fix it. oh yeah i forgot to say im the australian 'jim'll fix it' man! it took me about an hour to get back to sleep then but alas at around half7 i did. then, what felt like 2mins later there was another knock on my door. turns out it was actually half 10 and lauren was ready for work! again she was very appologetic but appently she had been there hlaf hour already and so cesar made her wake me up. i think after the words we had last week he was prob proving a point! anyway, she was a great help today and also trimmed my kneck line and has done my washing for me at the house she is staying. what a bird! it nice to have someone my own age around to talk to and have a laugh with...especially if shes happy cleaning my tighty whiteys!!
- comments
mum stephen, i've ignored all of your terrible spelling since you told me to stop nagging, but you really should know that neck DOES NOT start with a k !!! sooo funny. also, you cant imagine how hard it is for me not to continue the rhyme about your tighty Whiteys but i am your mother and will act accordingly,( in public anyway) only 41 more sleeps. take care xxxxx
Gilly He he... love reading your blogs Ste, always give me a giggle! Not long and we'll have you back in Sydney with us. Can't wait for you to spend more time with Joshie - he's such a cheeky monkey these days :o) Oh and can't wait to try a yummy curry... don't fear we'll get stocked up on naan bread ! xx