Yesterday was monday and i was up and ready for collection by dean at 7am. I was outside waiting in the cold until 745 and so i decided to ring him - turns out he had been in an RTA and thats what was causing the delay! He was following a car and then she decided to do a u t-turn without indicating and he went right into her. Everyone was ok and his car had minimal damage as its a massive tayota hilux but the other car was written off! Anyway, he turned up and we set off to finish 2 jobs we had started. The first one was at the site where a drove the mini digger. Dean set out fitting a new outside toilet and i started by malleting 4 poles into the ground- that gave my shoulders an achy work out! Then i went on to play with bigger and better tools - a jack hammer! I had to take up an area of concrete and then dig further down so we could join a pipe up. once that was done i then mixed up some concrete and fillled in the hole. It was a boiling hot morning, i had the top off at 10 ish trying to catch some rays and was sweating like crazy when using the jack! Idiot that i am tho left the big and heavey crow bar next to me when i was hammering which fell nicely on my left shoulder, theres a nice lump there now!!
After finishing that job we went back to the police station where we carried on. This job took alot longer than dean had anticipated due to the way the building was. I mean that the roof was all complicated and made feeding pipes thru very difficult. My job was mainly taking parts of the roof off and feeding the pipes thru, letting dean fit ten and then fitting brackets to them before re-fitting the roof. Again we got the beautiful burgers for lunch!! We finished up at around half 5 and set sail home. Dean said he had work for me tues and wed but tere was a problem...
Whilst on route i was phoned by cesar who said that he had a cooking job for me. I dont know if ive mentioned this but everyone in the hostel had to vacate into a local motel as cesar and the owner of the biggest winery in aus (apparently) had struck a deal. The winery were expanding and had 40 indians coming over to help build the facilities to start brewing beer nd they wanted to stay at the hostel. This is were i come into it, they want me to be there cook.
Today, tuesday im being picked up for a meeting to discuss foods and prices as i have been given a budget and then go and buy some stuff and cook tea tonight for them (theres only 10 to start off with). Then from tommorrow i will, everyday for 10weeks, be getting up and cooking then breakfast and making then a packed lunch and then after their 12hour day go and cook then dinner. This will give me free accommodation, a wage and my 2nd visa so cant really complain. Dean understood fully and said that if anything changes let him know as he will have work for me which is good and was even happier when i got him a replacemnt for the next few day.
Im a bit annoyed as i was really enjoying the plumbing side but on the flip side i dont have to pick fruits any more! And my shoulders very stiff today after it being hit by the bar so digging trenches today could have been interesting!!
Get well soon aunty terry x x
- comments
JAMIE OLIVER Good to see that you are moving over to my profession again. Got to keep your hand in eh! This Cesar or should it be Caesar as in Julius sounds like a right tyrant- serve him up as a salad (geddit) What will they call you now? Pomcookie? Chuckmeister? Currywalla? Who cares as long as Salad head keeps coming up with the dough! As great chefs we can always improvise and get on with it, you in your Aussie paradise and me on my horrible tropical island drinking cocktails and waited on hand and foot. Bon Appetite my friend.
Terry Never a dull moment for you - it is hard to keep up and we are only reading about it. Glad that Dean's OK but I am still not too sure about you being in in charge of heavy machinery. I'm on the mend now thanks Stephen, it was really only a ploy for tea and sympathy and ice cream in bed. Hope your first day menu meets with approval and all goes well - just think by now there will be only 69 days to go. No jack hammering in the kitchen so you should be safe enough. Lots of love Aunty Terryxxxxxx
mum Jamie Oliver just made me laugh out loud,,,"currywalla" and "salad head" hehehe xxxxx