Thurday i did the nornal breakfast routine and then went for another round of golf. A mistake really as i was really tiered and so didnt play so well but it was good to get out. the rest of the day consisted of sunbathing and cooking dinner.
Friday i did breaky and then went to get some odds and sods for the kitchen before relaxing in the sun. I went for my gym induction at 430, it was pretty good. I warmed up by doing 15mins on the tred mill...i was ready to finish then! After that i explained what i wanted out of the sessions and then was taken around the different things she thought would benefit me. It lasted about an hour which i found long enough and then i was picked up by cesar, went to pck up a van for him from the garage then i got back and had a quick shower before making tea.When i had fnished cooking i made a trip to the shop for some bread as i forgot during the day before getting back and going to bed, i was out like a light that night!!
Saturday i didnt do much apart from sit in the sun and sleep. Ii didnt feel very well friday night and so the sleep was needed! After cooking dinner i went to the tv room with a few beers and watched 'layer cake' with daniel craig (thats the current james bond for all the girlys who dont know!) It was a really goof film and i deffinatley recomment it.
Sunday i got my lie in untll half7 and cooked the indians their breakfast. I started watching tv after that but then they came in wanting to watch a film so i was turfed out to my room! i spent the best part of the morning sleepieng before gettin up and making lunch...the sheila curry (thats what ive named the egg curry...) and then returning back to bed! My limbs were killing me all day from the gym sesh, at one point i crouched down to get something out of a draw and couldnt get back up! I ended up on all fours in agony!!! I then made dinner later on for them before going to bed. I struggled to get to sleep as id slept all day which made it a b***** to get up on monday!
Today, monday i got up with great difficulty like i said. I wasnt reaslly with it so after i made breakfast i went back to bed for an hour or so before going down to the gym. I went thru my routine which took about an hour and a half before heading back to the hostel. I had gone to put some money in the back but it was shut due to back holday. A bit odd as it was the only thing shut on the street! I got a quick shower before going and doing my laundry (i didnt have any clean undies this morning so i thort it was time! After that i came back up to the hostel, put my clean washing away and then sat in the sun. The weather has been beautiful for that last week or so and has been getting hotter ever so sligthly so im trying to make the most of it before it turns! I could get used to this 'winter'.
As for my room, it isnt much bigger than a prison cell so malcome isnt far off the mark. Only thing is prison cells get the luxury of en-suit...
- comments
Pete It almost sounds like you are getting in to a routine - glad it includes the fun things too! Thx for the text on my birthday - it cheered me up.