So sat night i ended up watching a film called 'faster' which was really good. It was evident that i hadnt drunk for a while i after 4 beers i felt tidily...oh deer!
Sun i got up after my lie in and was traught a new breakfast dish. Was basically just a chick pea and potato curry but they said it was a good breakky dish! After that i came to my room to watch a film and then got up to do their lunch. They have decdided they dont want mutton any more and so taught me an egg curry. Not one i think i will be cooking for people at home!! Anyway, back to my room before cooking a chicken curry for dinner and heading to bed.
Monday, after breakfast i went back to bed and slept for most of it. altho im not doing much im gettin very tiered! In the afternoon and went and placed some veg orders and then came back and watched tv before cooking dinner and heading to bed.
Tuesday i did some more food shopping and sat in the sun- ive decided to make the most of it as im not sure how long it will last!! Then, after cooking dinner i had a few beers before getting to sleep.
I woke up and started getting ready for work until ii checked my watch and realised it was only 1.50!! After i finally got up and cooked breakky i had a nap and then went out for most of the day with my boss. I didnt really do much but he took me to the gym and joined me for 3months. Thats $200 i dont need to pay out!! I have an induction on friday and then after that i can go any time and also use the pool and join any club i want, such as spinning, different fitness exercises, water aerobics snd more!! Pretty good so hopefully i can not only fill my days better but get fitter!!
Sorry the blogs arent as interesting anymore, im not really doing alot to report ho0ome about!! Ill keep u updated on the golf tho greg dont worry!
- comments
IAN 'torpedo' THORPE Spoke to my mate Greg about the golf but sounds as if I'll have to watch out for you in the old pool! They won't recognize you when you get back after all this exercise. Sounds as if the Indians are happy now but if I was that Victor Meldrew I'd have a few things to say! Stay sharp mate
mum mmmm, egg curry,,,,,sounds like a treat for aunty sheila!!! xxxxxx
sheila Malcolm says no wonder you are bored - he is convinced you were skyping from a prison cell yesterday! The gym and the golf should be good ways to keep you occupied in the day. And yes Jane, I would LOVE to try the egg curry! Not! Take care x