Saturday 4 of us from the house got up and went to the hostel to pick up a german girl and then headed to the manderin fields. This was a really hard day as i was aching from work the day before and just couldnt get motivated. I plodded on and did one bin and then we all headed back. The german girl from the hostel did half a bin and then said that she was too scared of the spidrs and so stopped and said if i went back on sunday i could finish her bin. I got back and had a shower, made my tea and then watched part 1 of the last harry potter film. The second part i released sooon so i hired part one from the dvd store in town. i watched that and then went to sleep. At around midday i was rudely awoken by some of the house as they had the weekend off and were drinking. This i dont mind but when they are leaving the door open and snorting up flem next to my bed, this is when i get angry. I was awake for over an hour trying to get back to sleep. In the end i put a movie on my laptop and then slept that way. I was fumming! So was the guy in the bunk under mine as he slammed the door shut. It made no difference.
Today i woke up at 645 and in a very bad mood due to lack of sleep. Three of us then headed back to the manderin field. We got there and started at half8 and i made way on finishing the girls half bin. As i was nealy done on that roy came and checked and said that i was getting faster and was really good. Brilliant, if my life goes belly up ill made a good picker! When i finished that i made way on another bin. The day went slightly quicker today and so wasnt so bad and i made a tad more money so that wasnt so bad. Ive just had my tea and a hot shower and am looking forwad to going to bed, ready for an early start with dean tommorrow...
- comments
Donyell If I were a Tengaee Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I'd say Kowabunga, dude!