Saturday i was up very early and headed up to the hostel and then to the farm for mandrin picking. i was driving today, an old automatic people carrier/campervan. What a heap of rubbish that is! I think ive been spoilelt with power steering! It was very cold, infact, there was ice all over the bins!! Crazy i know. There was 3 from our house, 2 italians from the hous around the corner and then 2 other guys from the hostel. We started early and i started quickly, so i thort i would get a couple of bins done but by midday, the sun was blazing and the tiredness of all the work i had done caught up to me ad i slowed. Us from the house plodded on and decided that one bin would be enough and so we slowed a bit. The 2 from the hostel finished early and went and the 2 italians asked us to wait an hour for them to finish their bin. We said not realy and agreed on half hour. The supervisor roy had been around and signed our bins of and said he would be back to chck the italians in a bit. 20mins later they rocked up at the van and we headed home. When i was back i got a call from cesar telling me that someone had been steeling manderins from one bin and putting in theirs and i was to find out who. I spoke to the guys in the house and they said they hadnt and so i told cesar this, and that the 2guys went early and the 2 italians finished later. He also said that becasue of this on bin wasnt going to be paid for, which meant we were set on finding out who did so we didnt loose any money for nothing! I then rceived a call from cesar, sounding very panacy saying that roy was at the hostel and i had to get in the van and get there straight away, asap. I said i didnt have the car and that someone was out in it and he said 'right, ill ring her and get her home then u come straight here.' 5mins later he called me back and said that i was on loud speaker with them both and then was told that the 2 italians had taken manderins from in total 8 bins, including ours that we had picked!! Apparently roy went back 20mins later and they had gone and they couldnt have picked that many in the short space of time and that ours were less!! They also took form the farmers bin!! Anyway, i was told not to get intouch with them again and they would be sorted. Even tho i wasny guilt i was panacing something rotten when he called me as it sounded like i was in for it!!
Sunday i decided to have the day off to re-energize. Everyone in the house was off and they had all gone out the noght before. I was that tiered that i had declined, i know unlike me but i was shattered. So i was rudely woken in the early hours when they got in and then one of my rooms mates forgot to switch off his alarm and so that went off at 545am! Not only that, but he was that drunk still he slept thru it so it went off and on for 40mins!! I treied switching it off but as it was all in german i failed, i then turned the phone off-it still went off! By this time i was wide awake and so went into the tv room to watch movies. This is were i spent most of the day!! One of the girls made pancakes for everone at midday and then most of them went out for the day so i had the tv room to myself!! When they all got back i grabbed a shower and then went and did a big shop in the city. I spent $130 so hopefully will last me a while! After i got back i skpyed ma n pa n started making my tea - steak (they were on offer) with homemade chips and veg. yummy. I played a couple games of cards with the guys before going to bed.
Today, monday i was with the plumber again. again i was told 8 but wasnt picked up till 850! I started by tidying his garden up as he had trimmed all his hegdes (he has loads of little ones whick is annoying!) and i had to clear up the mess. He went off to do a job and then came back at 12. I was probibly half way thru clearing up. We then went into town to someones house where i learnt the ugly side of the job. We got there and was met by an excovator (digger driver) dean had hired. We then waited for the gas man to clear where we were to dig and the digger started bringing up the ground. I was hand digging around pipes and then graham was clearing it out. Basically we needed to get to the sewage pipe as it was blocked. Brilliant. We couldnt find the blockage so popped back to the house for 'the snake' and then went back. On our way back we called into the landfill site, were i found out you can put ANYTHING for a price (including cows!) to dump some pipes and a huge tree stump. We couldnt lift the stump so had to tip the trailer to get it off! The smell there was vile. I dont know how people work there! 'The snake' was a long machine that goes up pipes to see how far up the blockage is. I was told not to touch it as it would rip my hand off!! After 10mins of dean playing with it he switched it off and shouted me to get in the trench and grab the machine. As i was doing so he shouted at me to hurry up and get it out quicker. I did do and just as we jumped out of the trench the pipe emptied of all the blockage. It was disguisting. Years of blocked poo and wee came flooding out, it smelt so bad. We then had to work around it and fit new pipes, needless to say the smell lingered! i neary chundered! Anyway, we sorted all that out and then graham filled it back in while dean went off to fix a broken pipe. I helped graham by watching the pipes and guiding him around them. Once he had finished i had to Re-plant and fix a little dividing wall beofre leaving to come home. Not the nicest of days but alass it was better than fruit picking!! Dean said that he had half a days work tomoz and then some on thurs and maybe fri which is good. He also has some work in a prison in a couple of weeks which is 4 days at a time so that will be interesting.
Something ceasr has said tho is that as im hard working and do what im told he will sign my 2nd visa when i want!!
- comments
UNCLE DAVID Well, up to your neck in sh*t again. Oh the nicities of life. Sounds as if your turning your hand to most things,great experience and hard work will only toughen you up-ready to keep up with me at the gym! Some of these bosses sound like crazy guys but what do you expect from the convict stock.Keep up the graft and the sentence will soon be over. See you cobber.
Emily Just been catching up with your blog and wow you do seem to be working hard...sounds tough but I would imagine you're impressing the bosses even if they don't say it. They'll be alot of people who don't stick at it or do the bare minimum. You'll enjoy your last few months even more after all this graft xxx
Graceland This free sharing of information seems too good to be true. Like coummnism.