So Monday i was up and picking oranges again at half10 so not too early. To start with i was on my own. For some reason i find it harder as its hard to motivate myself but nevertheless i put my ipod on and off i went. The korean guy 'roy' told me to pick one side of the tree's and fill a bucket and then do the other side to fill another. I was determind to do better than yesterday so i gave it my all. Whilst i was picking the farmer drove past, stopped, called someone then drove off. Within minutes roy was back telling me not to throw the small oranges on the floor, unlike what he had said to me yesterday. It became apparent then that he didnt really know what was what and he would tell me one thing then get told i was doing it wrong then have a go at me. I had to laugh. The weather was cloudy to start then as the day went on the clouds broke abit and the sun shone thru which was nice. I had my thermals on but there was a breeze every so ofter so i could bear it. Im so glad im not doing this work 'in-season' with the 40o heat-that would be unbearable i think. So, one tub done in just over 2hours...great success. I had counted that i can fit around 100+oranges in my bag at one time before i empty it. I had put about 6 bags in the 2nd tub when roy come back and says i have to go somewhere else and to leave the oranges. Ha good luck with that. I filled my first tub up more and then went to my new pitch. I was with a load of chinese people who were machines. There were about 6 of them plus a young boy and they werre so quick. I smiled and nodded at them and got the same back. Altho we didnt talk it was nice to have people around me. The new pitch had smaller trees so was quick as i wasnt up the ladder as much. Roy told me that when i had filled another tub that was it and we were to go so i cracked on. Firstly i went to my other tub and emptied the extra oranges i had picked. After about an hour the chinese people left, but one of them gave me a full bag in my tub and just smilled at me. What a guy! I finished my tub and found roy who said 'do one more' in his korean accent. Yikes man make ur mind up i thort! Again i cracked on, i was starting to slow a little but i muscled thur. At about 440 he came back to get me. I was about 6bags short so him and another guy helped me for 5mins and i was done. £tubs in just over 6 hours-it doesnt sound alot but it felt great. If u havent seen ive uploaded some pics of the trees and tubs so u get an idea! So then back i went to the drop off point and i walked back after getting some essentials from the shop. I had a long bath to relax my shoulders where the bag had been, grabbed some food and hit the hay.
I was woken up in the night by terential (bad spelling sorry) rain. Finally when my alarm went off it was still raining i was told not to go to woke, as were most of the house bar 2 people. The reason u cant pick oranges in the rain is they leave marks on the oranges when wet and cant be sold. As they do when u dont wear gloves so we are given big gloves to wear! i asked for any other work but there was nothing so i took advantage of the time and caught up on sleep. I was annoyed as ive just got here but one guy said he was happy as it was his first day off in 30days!! SO today i have just watched movies until tonight when one of the girls made a big chilli for us and we watched 'the beach' with leonado dicaprio and then some of us have just played cards which was fun. Im starting to get to know them all now and learn names so feeling more settled. I have been told that i am working with pumkins tomoz which is better money and then working with a plumber on thrus which is better money again so we will see what happens...
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