Thursday i got up and did the morning routine. Then i went back to bed until 11 ish to catch up on some sleep! Was well needed and i felt great afterwards which meant i then felt energized to ... sit in the sun!! Its funny as at the mo theres all these reports about the worste weather for 60yrs in sydney, and yet here its b-e-a-utiful! I then made tea and went to bed. Ive started watching 'how i met ur mother' on my laptop, and i highly reccomend it. Ive seeen bits and never got into it but now ive started watching from the start, its fantastc!
Fridays after breaky i cycled, yes cycled down to the golf club and had a quick 18. I shaved 3 shots of my last round so a slight improvement, some to go yet tho! After that i cycled back UPHILL and had a minor heart attack! Ha no it wasnt that bad but made me realise im unfit. So i decided to ... sit in the sun!! Honestly, the weather is great, i just hope i dont jinx it! Again the boring tea time routine kicked in and i wwent to bed.
Today, sat i got showered and ready as i was meant to meet 'shane' an australian/indian who opened the local indian up and was going to give me tips. Only thing is he never phoned me back... so i watched bond on the large s creen here and surround sound which was cool and then went and did some food shopping and sat in the sun. was about 20o today. Last nght i had sebastan, the old manager here stayng in my room. At first i was annoyed i had to share again but hes cool actually and had a good chat with him today. Lucky he's here as he woke me from a deeep sleep in the sun!! Then ive cooked the indians tea and now im waiting to watch mission inpossible 2 with a few beers and have a lie-in tomoz...until 7!
- comments
mum Oh no, wonder what happened to shane then?? still, it gave you some much needed rest so it's not all bad. sounds good sitting in the sun, it does nothing but rain here! not so good haveing to share a room again!! hope it's not for long. oops sorry, got to go,,,,take care , xxxxx
GREG NORMAN Soon be in the Open then son! Don't know what that course of yours is like in Griffiths but to be honest nobody's heard of it! Never mind, keep up the good work and if I was Gordon Ramsey I´d tell them where their curry belongs! Keep up the good work.