Monday came around and back as normal i was up at 5 cooked their eggs and lunch and they went off. I then went into the city for some odds and sods and then came back to the hostel to chill before getting ready for tea. I went and got the mutton they wanted and cooked that for their tea. I asume they were happy with it but who knows. they always seem to have a look of disgust on there face and shake their heads at everything - this actually means yes to them!! The meeting that was had on sunday went ok, all the indians were sat down and they were told taht i was incharge of the kitchen and cooking and that uinlless they were teaching me something new then not to get involved as it wasnt helping with 4-5 of them all trying to but in... This made no difference!! One of the guys didnt feel very well on sunday night and didnt eat and then today he had a bowl of rice and cold water for his breakfast and then just rice for his lunch, not what i would have liked but anyway. He felt better leter on and ate the mutton.
Tuesday i got up and did the same again, breakfast and lunch and they went off. On sunday ytheir man in charge told me what they wanted when, so i wrote up on the white board when they would be having chicken, mutton or veg which makes it easier for me. Once i cooked i wnet on skype and spoke to a few people from home which was nice to cstch up and then went to clean the kitchen,. Once i had done that i got a shower and then went to the cinema for a date for one! I went to watch the harry potter finale in 3d. It was a good film and even better as i had never seen 3d before...i reccoment it. Only thing is i felt abit of a sado going on my own, even more so when there was ONLY ME in the whole cinema to watch the film!! I ve never had that before! After that i popped to the golf course down the road and struck up a deal with them so i came play for abit cheaper and then came back and had a nap for 20mins. Then i was up again to cook tea. After they had eaten i was told that i wasnt to stir the rice, just leave it till all the waters gone and its cooked. I asked why and said that if i didnt stir it then its catches on the bottom and burns, leaving a taste but apparently thats fine. Once that was done i went and watched the new series of top gear before getting to bed. The weather has been awful the last few day, very very wet and getting colder every day!
Today, wednesday I did the normal routine. As i was finishing the curry for lunch i was told to change the flavours as it was generally the same and that they couldnt eat it if it was the same. I explained that all i new was what they told me and they had to teach me new ones, especially as they wouldnt let me write down the recipe on sunday for one. Anyway, he said he would see what they said and then walked away. Sorry, but if you want food that you like and want it doing right then you need to tell me!! I was also told they wanted extra rice at lunch which was no problem, altho not something i would want extra of, burnt tasting rice!! They headed off then and i slipped off and hit a quick 18! Today has turned out to be a brilliant day, really hot and sunny. It wasnt my best round but felt good to get back into it. I then came back and had a chat with cesar about what they had said about the food and he made a phone call and told me to follow him in the car. So thats what i did. We turned up at a warehouse and met an indian guy who was labouring at the time. He's called shane and turns out he opened up the local indian some time ago!! We had a chat explaining the situation and he gave me a couple of quick tips and then gavce me his number and said to ring him on saturday morning to arrange a meet where we could go into depth and him give me some recipes!! Awesome!!! He also said that they dont like me stirring the rice as they believe if breaks it and they dont get the full grain...what a load of cobblers! Anyway, he was sound and im glad ive got the chance to chat with him on sat, but for now bought some extra spices and will make do with that! Another tip he said was was that i should slit the veg up. In the veg curry i put onion, potato, pumkin and cauliflower. He said that i could do potato and cauli, or potato and pumkin, or carrot and chick pea and that would vary it also. Brilliant!! From there i have come back and am now sat in the sun writting this. Im now going to do some maths before starting on tea. Its been decided that at night i get it all ready for when they arrive back rather than abit later on so that they cant come and interupt. Only thing is means i need to get up at 4ish now to do the same!!!...
- comments
Pete I am following the blog. Sorry for lack of comment, I am in a strange place (in my head) right now. I look forward to a curry on your return!