So tuesday anthony picked me up and we went and met dana who is in charge of the books for cesar. She read an email she had been sent saying about the food to give the indians. It said 2hard boiled eggs and bread for breaky, rice 2 pieces of chicken and veg for lunch and then the same for dinner. So we went off then comparing prices around and gettin the basics for that night and the next day. I got back kand then was told to have dinner ready for 820. I got to cooking some chicken wings for their lunch the next day and then got my timings together and had chicken strips, rice and carrots ready for 820. I cooked a double batch of rice and carrots so i could use it for their lunch the next day. At 950pm they sat down to eat, the rice was mushy the chicken was over cooked and the caroots were going cold. Not a great start but not really my fault. i was given a list of things to buy for the next day and told that one of the indians would teach me a couple of dishes. So we were told basic food and it turns out that they want curry!!! I finished up that night and was dropped off home at half11 ish then straight to bed.
Wednsday i was picked up at 5am and set too making their breakfast, scrambbled eggs. I made it for 6am like i was told and again they came in late so it was getting cold! Anyway that day i went ack home had a kip and a shower and then was picked up at midday by cesar and we went off to compare more prices. He knows alot of people and introduced me and said that if i need anything then put it on his account - makes it easier for me to get hold of things. That night i was taught a special way of cooking the rice so that its perfect and then a chicken curry. Another thing the indians said was that they wanted me to get whole chicken and then cut them up into little pieces, bones and cartlidge included! So i did this and i was taught i spicy chicken curry. Very nice and very easy. Then i went back home to bed.
Thursday i was back at 5 am again the indian guy came out to help me wit the curry again for their lunch. Ive been told that they want it cooking in the morning and not at nigt as its fresher for them. Whilst i was being shown the curry i also cooked them their hard boiled eggs. This was all done and they cleared off at 630, meaning i was back ome for half7! I did the same, chilled out had a shower and was picked up at 12 by anthony to get more bits. I then waited around the hostel with anthony and then got down to strting the hard bit of the job. I have to no the costs of everyting and so need to weigt out everyting, including t-spoons on spices and salt and stuff. This took me a while but i got a good job started. I then got to work prepping some veg as when the indians got back they taught me a a veg curry rice and a dahl. (dalh is lenals spices and water, a bit like a soup and they put ity on their rice before they put the curry on. Again then i cleared up and went to the house and got to sleep.
Today i was picked up at 5 again and did the same, breaky and chicken curry lunch and then went back home. At 1 i was picked up by cesar and we ran some errands, i spoke to a butcher at the abotwar (spelling) and then caught up on here. The internet hasnt been working for me the last couple of days and so i can now use the wifi here!!
- comments
mum "abotwar" is that the indian spelling of "abattoir" ?? It doesn't matter about the spelling Stephen, there's not many of us who can do the job that you're doing,,,,well done, we're very proud of you. We'll be able to open a "curry in a hurry" shop when you come home. make sure you get some sleep during the day. take care. xxxx ps sorry , it wasn't us who won the euro lotto! back to work everyone ;-( x