India and Nepal 2022
Today is my birthday and the tradition within the office is to take in a cake.
So, I went to my local bakery in the City Mart shopping centre near my home and bought a large white cake. I requested that they write the words 'Happy Birthday' but in Myanmar language so that I could enter into the cultural spirit of the day.
As I walked back to my home, I couldnt resist sneeking a view of what the wording might look like in Myanmar language. When I saw that they had literally inscribed Happy Birthday in Myanmar language, I fell about laughing.
The passers by must have wondered what was happening because I just couldnt stop laughing!
I took my cake into the office and the staff roared with laughter too. Its great to know that the humour of this incident goes across boundaries and cultures!
I will never forget this birthday. Totally priceless!
I have also included a few other pictures of sights that I now take for granted here at work and the journey to and from.
- comments
Marilyn Willwohl Hope the Happy Birthday in Myanmar language cake tasted as good as it was funny, priceless story !!