India and Nepal 2022
A few months ago, when I was sitting at home, chatting to my lovely daughter Livy, she used a phrase which really resonates tonight.
"Dad" she said, "life begins at the end of your comfort zone"
Wow! How deep and profound that comment was then, and is again tonight. I have been in Myanmar for a week and it's been a whirlwind of emotions. Scary and exciting, just as life is meant to be.
Tonight, I visited the Yacht club and met a number of expats from Australia, Canada, USA, and elsewhere, mainly working for INGOs. They all seemed so young! As I left and walked onto the dark street to wave down a taxi, I felt a sense of 'OMG, what am I doing here in a strange city on my own?'. I am at the edge of my comfort zone.
What I know from experience and from all my adventures, is that nighttime is always replaced by daytime and emotions swing back. I know also that this is the settling in period and I am totally confident that I will soon find an equilibrium of living life to the full here in Asia.
Thanks, Livy for the reminder.X
"Dad" she said, "life begins at the end of your comfort zone"
Wow! How deep and profound that comment was then, and is again tonight. I have been in Myanmar for a week and it's been a whirlwind of emotions. Scary and exciting, just as life is meant to be.
Tonight, I visited the Yacht club and met a number of expats from Australia, Canada, USA, and elsewhere, mainly working for INGOs. They all seemed so young! As I left and walked onto the dark street to wave down a taxi, I felt a sense of 'OMG, what am I doing here in a strange city on my own?'. I am at the edge of my comfort zone.
What I know from experience and from all my adventures, is that nighttime is always replaced by daytime and emotions swing back. I know also that this is the settling in period and I am totally confident that I will soon find an equilibrium of living life to the full here in Asia.
Thanks, Livy for the reminder.X
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Livy Hayes Awwwwww love you so much pops X