So i dont know if u guys saw the crazy weather we had today in Melbourne but it was pretty extreme!! I had finished work and nipped into the supermarket round the corner from me and when i came out, i was shocked by what i saw! Right over me was still lovely and sunny but the whole of the horizon was literally black adn u could even see it rolling towards u! All i could think was crap thats gonna reach me before i get home and i only live like 2 mintues round the corner!! However i kind of half ran home and made it in about 30 seconds before the storm let loose!! I literally walked up the stairs in my house and it all went dark and then i heard the hail stones! U would not believe how big they were, here they were probably about the size of golf balls which i thought was pretty big but i heard on the news there were some which were 10cm in diameter!! I also saw a girl on the news who was caught in the hail stones and she was covered in bruises, cuts and lumps from where they had hit her, was so glad i'd managed to just miss it!! And then the rain came down which was literally coming in sheets and the wind had really picked up as well. It was just so crazy how extreme the weather was, it went from a nice sunny day to a crazy one!!
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