Waking up every hour through the night is never fun and having seconds to make it to the toilet a true challenge... It was a rough night and a rough morning and to be honest it's times like these I want my Mothers soothing voice to tell me: "everything's going to be alright" - luckily I had a step-in Mother by the name of Nyrzha that was making sure I was ok, telling me to rest and get my fluids. I wasn't overly hungry but after my food poisoning episode in Thailand new I needed to eat and replace: fluids, sodium and sugars. I made some porridge with a few big tablespoons of sugar and a little salt alongside a lemon tea and it went down perfectly. I am now laying here waiting to see how my system will react, it's not my favorite thing to be bed ridden when travelling but its inevitable so I will use the time to rest and recharge. Unfortunately there is construction going on in the apartment directly above my room and they have been sledge hammering walls out all day so no rest but the chance to watch a few movies and a nice headache. I had a light egg salad for lunch but that seemed to make things worse and fill my stomach with gas - In the afternoon I was feeling even worse but also sick of lying in bed all day. I went for a walk to get some bananas and being outside actually made me feel a bit better, apart from the terrible stomach cramps. Later in the evening Nyrzha came back with another Couchsurfer who she had been out for coffee with, they had come to see if I wanted to join then for a night drive around La Paz; I really wanted to but worried about my stomach and needing to rush to the bathroom. Nyzrah was worried I had bacterial infection and insisted I take antibiotics and some gastronomic medication - being that she is a Doctor she was able to write a prescription and get me the antibiotics. At about midnight Nyzrah returned with the medication (I was hoping it would be cheap here in Bolivia but no such luck) and some groceries - she wanted to make me chicken soup as I hadn't eaten much all day. The chicken soup was delicious and exactly what my system needed, I asked Nyzrah many questions about the antibiotics as I am a little apprehensive about taking medication but she more then put my mind at ease and it was quite apparent that I needed to fix myself up if I intended doing all the tours here in Bolivia.
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