Eaton Family's Aussie Adventure
Despite the fact that it poured with rain we had quite a good time at Kuranda - there is an excellent butterfly sanctuary that was quite good value and all the butterflies would come and land on you.....always good fun. We learnt a lot about the different sorts of butterflies and how they each have their own host plant and they only lay eggs on that one plant as that is the plant that the caterpillar will eat upon coming out of the crysallis. Pretty clever really, but it also means that if you want butterflies in your garden, you have to have the right sort of plants. The bright blue Ulysses for instance has a very tall rainforest tree as its host and therefore it is quite hard to spot in the wild as it flies in the canopy, however we were lucky enough to spot one at Mossman River a few days later having learnt all about them. We unfortunately didn't see any view on the Skyrail due to the low cloud and so it was probably not good value, but you can't order the weather. We also went to a venom zoo run by Americans if you can believe that and their knowledge of some of Australia's venomous creatures that they had on show was scanty at best!!
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