Hi all,
Im in cronella ( i think that's how you spell it) seeing wayne. his hostel is pretty crazy, lots of crazy people so it's right up wayne's street! It has been raining heavily the past few days so not good for the beach which is a shame.
Today me and wayne verntured out and pottered around the shops trying to avoid the downpours. We then went for a few drinks. I felt quite bad because wayne was meant to go church but instead he was in the pub drinking! Apparently there are 300 young church goers and a large proportion of those are female!
I think we are just going to take it easy tonight but i'm not sure
Going to see Paul and gem in the mountains tomorrow. I have to get the train back to sydney then take a bus down, I think it takes about 8 or 9 hours.
anyway, enough boring chat from me, take care everyone
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