hi folks!
I moved into my new pad last night, this is the view from the rooftop - pretty cool huh? I have moved in with zoe and sarah rom 1/10 havelock street (st kilda) and I feel at home already. Sholah, zoe and i went out last night and didn't get back til 6am - oops! It wouldn't have been so bad except that i had an agency interview at 11am. Still, i made it but i managed to spill orange juice all over myself! I've got another interview on monday. the girl on reception is from clackmannan and her mum was originally from tuilabody - mad!
Me and zoe are just chilling today. Zoe's friend chris is over and he is really bugging me and i think he is bugging her too. He has the hots for her and he keeps calling her sweetie ( he's canadian). I think he was offended when i slagged off 'the matrix' , i think its his favourite film. Surely its a bad sign if someone is obsessed with the matrix ?! he even changed our screensaver to the matrix so i swiftly changed to a jake gyllenhal screensaver. Although, i am getting a bit sick of the new one already - never thought i'd ever be sick of jake!
I'll hopefully see gem tomorrow, ive hardly seen her since she has been here. we went to see 'the bees' the other night which was really good. The band was made up of grant mitchell lookalikes playing the trumpet, a where's wolly lookalike and a goth. The australian crowd are a bit subdued in general.
well anyway must dash
laura waura wooooooooo
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