Hi all! (check out my updated photos)
made it to oz at 6am this morning, woop woop! I still can't really believe i'm here! The flight was pretty crap, didn't sleep which is unlike me. I moved to a crap seat because they had to move this disabled person and nobody else offered to move - rude rude rude. Steve urwin was on the customs video we watched before landing - weird to think he is gone. Got into the airport and wasnt allowed to take my banana through customs - something to do with bird flu.
Got picked up in a limo instead of taxi - i was half asleep and he said he was a taxi,i didn't realise until i noticed the TV sets in the back of the taxi - oops. cost me a fortune! got to verona and hughs, had numerous cups of tea then fell asleep for a few hours. Used a hair dryer for the first time in months - no more spaniel ears!!!! I also indulged in an avacado sandwich -mmmmmmmmmmmm!
Me and verona then headed to the harbour and walked around the park which was nice. We then went to the beach and drank hot chocolate until it got dark with some of V's friends. This place is nice, i could get used to this!! I've just had tea and some nice shiraz wine so I'm off to bed
G'day just now
P.s Nice to hear from you swaggers. imeant to say, in singapore zoo they have an otter who sorts all the recyclates and puts them all in the correct bins - nice one, can't see it working in Glasgow though!
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