Hi all,
Today I am writing from Albury Wodonga where i am staying with Paul (exSWAGer) and Gem. It's lovely here, blue skies and peace and quiet (but there are an abundance of spiders and snakes here). I arrived on monday night, well tuesday morning at 2am. It took 10 hours from sydney to get here. That's one thing that's become apparent to me here, australia is massive! From a map it's difficult to see just how big it is. It's only when you travel that you see it takes literally days to get about.
Yesterday, after a mammoth sleep, paul and gem showed
me lots of cool places in and around town. Paul even introduced me to the red-back spider living in his garage. (for those of you who don't know, red-backs are the most poisonous spiders in oz). Note to self: stay away from the garage.
They also showed me where they are thinking of getting married - it's really beautiful. Late, we met up with mandy (ex SWAG survey leader) and her boyfriend which was mad as i haven't seen her in a long time, she is also getting married.
Today we went to lots nice of places. We started of in Beechworth which is lovely little historic town which looks like something out of a cowboy and western film. They even had a scottish shop there which had loads of items I don't think I've ever seen in scotland but somehow they have over here! They also had a fridge stocked up with Irn bru.
We went to see an old jail where ned kelly once stayed. True to form, paul started climbing up the wall of the jail - once a rockclimber always a rockclimber!
We then went to Spring creek and clowned around taking pictures on the rocks. (i'll upload the photos asap). I nearly slid off the rocks and paul nearly dropped gems wallet into the water - flexi flexi!
We then went to Mount pilot look out which gave us a great view for miles and miles. It's probably one of the quietest places i've ever been to. If you wanted to scream, this is the place to it!
We then finished off our day tour at an aboriginal area called Yarradobya. I'm sure by the end of the day paul and gem where sick of me asking "is there snakes or spiders here?" everywhere we went! And yes there were snakes and spiders inhabiting every place we went!
Tonight we are going round to paul's friends house for tea. i might try and get some more followers for the 'save the bush campaign' there. SAVE THE BUSH SAVE THE BUSH..............................
Bye everyone
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