hey all!
Hope you are all doing well! Its hot and sunny outside so i'll try and keep this brief! I've been working extra hours so that i have enough dosh for new zealand (1 week left), I even worked saturday which is against all my beliefs! Going a bit brain dead from saying the same thing all the time. Colin you were right about the geeks getting tetchy about the modems. Yesterday (saturday) someone to told me to shove the modem up my ass - delightful huh!!
two irish girls moved into our room on thursday which means we are super cramped. They are really nice though. It was a bit awkward the other day because our bathroom door fell off (don't ask) so we basically had no privacy in the shower. It's all fixed now though! on Friday we went up to the roof and had a bbq which was cool (picture - view from our roof). I have had a sore tummy ever since the bbq - must have eaten something dodgy.
It's sunday morning and most of the girls are in bed - 3 of them didnt get back until after 7 this morning!!
Suzanne, I hope the swaggers are looking after you. I wouldn't do any more water challenges anymore if i were you - ive heard that pregnancy makes you need to pee all the time anyway!!
Sarah, what did you do all day if you didnt have a computer? Your fellow dungeonites are gradually bringing you closer to cats and that's a good thing. By the time i get back you will probably have a cat of your own - Mr Myles good work!!
Colin when is the big day? At least you don't have to do a speech!!
Marty kane (forehead) , sandy and chris - it was lovely to hear from you guys yesterday, although i don't think you will remember too much of the conversation!! (yes you do, yes you do yes you do!)
See you later everyone!
smithers xx
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